Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day 40 Last Day of School...

for at least a week...even longer for me as I have chosen to burn some leave time :)

Tomorrow is October 1st, which is the National Holiday for the people of China.  It is the equivalent to our July 4th, of sorts.  This year marks the 65th anniversary of the memorial founding of the People's Republic of China. This is a significant year, as there is a grand celebration and military parade on Tiananmen Square.  We have been told that people started gathering out at the Square, in the rain, since Monday evening.  Keep in mind that Tiananmen Square holds one million people, and still they are lining up two days in advance.

While Wednesday, October 1st, marks the National Holiday, it is also the start of Golden Week.  This is a week's holiday that shuts down the entire country. We have been told that for every one person that flees the city to avoid the crowds, two people come in to the city for Golden Week to join in the festivities.  We had been told weeks ago to book our travel if we wanted to get out. If we planned to stay in the city, we are to avoid the usual tourist spots at all costs.  Even getting around on the subway is torture, and hailing a cab is virtually impossible. Alejandra and Eric are headed to Mongolia, Kirsten is on her way to Australia, Zhuong is returning to Vietnam to visit her family, and most of the rest of us are hanging around here with some day trips planned outside of the city.

Because I have only two one period classes in the four days after Golden Week is over, I am taking some leave time and headed to Phuket, Thailand, to put my face in the sun and my toes in the sand! But I am getting a little ahead of myself...my trip is nearly a week away.

Our last day of classes began with a student body assembly
on the soccer field.  The head of the school (who is a three star)
gave a speech to the kids. I would imagine it was a history
lesson on the formation of the People's Republic of China
65 years ago.  Or maybe he told them to read more books.
I don't rightly know, but it is impressive to see the kids
all gathered, and to hear his voice booming campus wide
over the loudspeaker.  It feels like I am on a military base :)
It's no wonder; BNDS has produced over 60 Generals.

The kids were all packed and ready to head for home for
Golden Week.  The front hallway is typically lined with luggage
every Friday morning, for the kids that board here. They are
usually anxious to head home for the weekend.  It's interesting
to me that nobody will bother with their personal possessions.
There has been a $10 bill laying on a desk in one of my
classrooms for two weeks, and nobody has yet to pick it up.
Sadly, I cannot say that would happen at any of the American
schools I have been affiliated with over the years.

We are allowed four hours of 'bank time' each month, to
literally take care of banking or personal business.  Since it
was the end of the month, and I had yet to use any hours,
I took some time off in the afternoon to do some banking
and get a few groceries.  While I was done teaching for
the day, I had to be back by 9th period to cover a class
for Alejandra.  She and Eric were getting a jump start on
the holiday, and had a plane to catch to Mongolia.  She
is covering one of my classes for me while I am in
Thailand the following week.  While I was out and about
on this beautiful afternoon, I loved the all decorations that are
up all over the city to celebrate their National Holiday.

The dichotomy of this picture just makes me smile.
In fact, much of China makes me smile...
I truly have lots to smile about these days :)
Time for me to get planning on my own little vacation.
Taking a trip- anywhere- gets me smiling every time.
If it involves the sun? And sand? And the sea?

G'Nite, y'all!

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