Friday, September 19, 2014

Day 29- TGIF

We wrapped up our first unit and great test scores with a fun lab.  We
revisted kindergarten.  In this case, counting beads....which actually was a
bit difficult for them as their numbering system is quite different than our own, lol.
What did counting beads have to do with psychology?  We lhad earned about
the various research methods....which included terms like sample, population,
biased sample, stratified sample, representative and so on. See where I'm going with this?
Sometimes the numbers didn't quite add up- so that called
for more head scratchin', figgerin', and recountin'

And though you can't see it here, sometimes they resorted to what was
familiar- counting in Mandarin- because using tally marks was just. too. confusing.

But in the end, they got it.  The 50 bead sample was quite
'lopsided', and not indicative of the population as a whole
(all of the beads in all of the groups).  The larger the sample
size, the more representative our results were. We were also
able to demonstrate reliability and validity in our experiment,
in looking at each group's individual results. There was lots of 
laughter and they spilled some beads and miscounted along the
way, but overall, it was a fun way to finish out a hard week's work.
A group of us had other ideas in mind- for finishing out a hard week's work :)

Yes, please!
The occasion was Sam's 30th birthday party which had been planned earlier
in the week.  Then his new son decided he would make an entrance into the
world two weeks before his due date.  While momma and baby were still
in the hospital being well cared for (both are doing well), Sam decided to
make a break for it and still join us for a night out. Those days may be
quickly coming to a close since he now has two boys under the age of two!
Each dish they brought to our table was more tasty and incredible than the
one before!  I had 'flung a cravin' for some Mexican food weeks ago.

Alejandra and I were happy like pigs in mud :)  The Queso!  The Homemade
Salsa!  The Homemade Guacamole!  OMG! And chasing all that good food
 down with the most incredible margaritas?  I have no words, people.
We vote that the Taco Bar is a monthly outing for us all :)
AND they served us shots of Patron, and killer desserts with ICE CREAM.
Alejandra and I were suffering from food babies after all that consumption.

Best. Pescados de Tacos. ever. (fish tacos- took me back to the Keys :)

And after no less than nine pitchers of margaritas among all of us, this meant
multiple trips to the squatty potty, which was hysterical in itself in my slightly
soused state of being.  It wasn't until the third trip that I saw the sign above.
So funny!  That last line reminded of something my sassy Elliebug would say :)))

With that, the weekend was looking promising :)
At least it was off to a roaring start...G'nite, y'all!

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