Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 14- Who knew?!

Who knew when I woke up to this glorious sunrise, that the AQI (air quality
index) would be just 17 today?!  People, that's like breathing in Denver!
Who knew that these 'little apples' that I have been eating
for days like it is my job are actually fresh dates?  I  freakin'
love dates, but I've only had them dried.  Date nut bread,
date pudding, bacon wrapped dates, need I go on? YUM.

Who knew that shopping all the road side carts and trucks for fresh produce
could be so fun?  Add to that the fact that living here is SO inexpensive.  Who knew?!

Who knew that teaching abroad in a prestigious high school would involve
just three classes, and five or six periods a day to do the grading and prep?
Aaaannnddd for a ridiculous generous salary, housing, and so many other
perks included they are too numerous to mention.  I mean really, who knew?!
Seriously, on Weds. and Fri. I teach just two forty-five minute periods in a
nine period, eight hour work day.  Unreal.  Why did I not pursue this sooner?!

Who knew there would be such beautiful green spaces
in a city of 22 million?!  There are beautiful parks. everywhere.
Who knew that one of those parks, Sculpture Park, is
a five minute walk from my front door?  It is so huge,
I have yet to make it down to the lake!
Who knew that I would feel so at home in Sculpture Park.
It reminds me so much of Millennium Park in Chicago.
The only thing missing is The Bean :)
Who knew the Chinese love to dance?  And exercise?  Like three times a day?!
Yes people, this just happened.  I joined a group of folks in the park and
aerobicised my flip flops off- it was so. much. fun. I may not speak the language,
but smiling, laughing, and dancing is universal, and we had a ball :)

Who knew buying food off the street could be so
delicious (and ridiculously cheap?!)
I had not seen this guy before, but I was smelling skewers of pork
all throughout the park.  It had some sort of dry rub seasoning on
it, and toasted bread to boot.  Who knew the Chinese eat so
much bread?!  I was not expecting that at all.  Such a pleasant
surprise to this carb-aholic!  An entire meal for $1.15.  Who knew?!

Who knew the view from my bed would be just as glorious
at night as in the early morning sunrise?!  What a beautiful
end to another beautiful day in Beijing.
I am one incredibly blessed girl :)  G'nite, y'all!

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