Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 21- Beijing bug

Dang it.  It finally caught me.  I've been hearing about it, since....well, since before I even got to China.  The smog is the worst.  The smog will make you sick.  Chronic sinus infections are normal. Sore throat?  Also normal.  Good to know I am normal.  I've been taking my dinosaur gummy vitamins, drinking water like it's my job, sucking on Vitamin C drops, wearing my mask on the really bad air days, but, alas, the putrid air got me.  It's knocked me down, but I ain't out yet!  They say misery loves company, and I am in incredibly good company.  We're spreading the love around here, and our germs.  The discussion at the lunch table today was that purchasing an air purifier for our apartments is a necessity.  We must get to the stores, and soon, before they are all sold out. Kids are sick.  Teachers are sick.  Shoot, even the dogs were hacking in the courtyard this morning as I walked to work!

Why is it that when you feel sick, no matter how young or how old you are, all you want is your momma? My Emily is sick with strep throat right now, and all I want is to be with her, feeding her my homemade chicken noodle soup, jello water, and ice cream.  So, I went to the grocery after work to find the ingredients to make some chicken noodle soup and strawberry jello water for myself.  I couldn't walk home from the grocery without the ice cream melting because I was in heels. *sigh*

It didn't matter; I struck out.  There were no proper ingredients to be found at the Chinese grocery to soothe my own sore throat or the yearning for my own momma.  In fact, the very idea of cooking for myself tonight held no appeal whatsoever.  Maybe it was because I had also just come from my first Mandarin class, and even a shiny new box of crayons could not help this girl learn her consonants and vowels in four tones.  It going to be a slow boat to China trying to grasp Mandarin Chinese... *sigh again*

Sadly, the closest I could get to the comforts of home tonight was to go to
McDonald's, play a game of charades with the cashier, and get a Filet o' Fish' value meal.
It wasn't the strawberry jello water like my momma used to make for me, but it had to suffice.

And as I was having my supper, feeling a wee bit sorry
for myself, this was my view.  Look closely.
Bite. Smell. Taste.
Hot. Smell. Eat.
Smooth. Snif(f). Lick.
Because nothing says, "I want a Big Mac" like
Smooth. Snif(f). Lick.

Oh China, you make me smile :)  Every. Single. Day.
G'nite, y'all!

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