Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 38 Sunday Funday Workday

We found out on Friday, the day before our one day weekend, that in addition to working on Sunday, (following a Monday schedule- I mean really, who wants to have to work two Mondays back to back?  It's like living in Ground Hog Day here with Bill Murray- geesh.) our day on Sunday was not ending at 4:10pm- we were required to stay at school until 6pm to participate in a Field Day for the students.  The Field Day Event was to bring students and faculty together for some fun competitions and to promote school spirit!!!  (all signs here are followed by lots of exclamations points!!!) Having to stay at school until 6pm on a Sunday?! After which we just followed a Monday schedule?! So now it's a 10+ hour work day, to which we get a brief respite overnight, and then we get to come back and do Monday all over again?!  Seriously, who does this?!   You can see why the trip to Cantina Agave was in order for us on Friday night.  We had just been delivered the news that afternoon that our day was extended on Sunday and our attendance was required at Field Day.  Decisions like these seem to often be made last minute, and very haphazardly, and don't get too excited, because it all could change in the next hour or so.  Figuring it must be 'the Chinese Way', I packed some athletic clothes and gym shoes in my backpack and cheerfully dodged my way through the chaotic morning traffic, armed and ready for my Sunday Funday Workday.

I bought what I thought was blueberry yogurt at the 'free store'
on campus.  It had chunks in it.  What the heck is that?!  Though
I can't read Chinese characters, on closer inspection, I realized
it was blueberry and sweet potato yogurt.  Who does that?!
Some days I get weary of the food surprises here in China.

About 600 students and 60 faculty, all affiliated with the International Department
all gathered on the gorgeous soccer field that never gets used because we have
no organized competitive sports here at BNDS.  We have a beautiful natatorium, too,
that also is only used for recreation...gorgeous facilities that would be the envy of
any high school back in the States. It's a bit strange to work at a school that has
no sports, no dances, no after school activities of any kind, because school
continues until 9-10pm each week night.  This was the Over/Under relay,
and the woman behind me is Betty- they head of all the International Dept.
She's a very big deal, in a very small package- and a really nice woman :)
It is not easy to sprint with a ball between your legs- I sucked at it, lol.

Stephanie and Paige looked like gazelles in the three legged race- they were awesome :)
The red brick buildings you see in the background are student dorms. BNDS
has about 4000 students enrolled all total.  It's like working on a campus the
size of Anderson University back home- where Emily and I both attended.

Rob and Al were not as graceful!  I sat this race out, for fear
I might blow out my ACL again.  It looked like a distinct
 possibility if I were to have tried it.

We all had a good laugh, the kids at our ineptness with
most races.  They are used to seeing us dressed very
professionally each day (men in suits, women in dresses),
so for them, it was hysterical just to see us in gym clothes.

What was even more hilarious was seeing "Harvard" in his idea of gym
clothes- former Naval officer, Harvard graduate, in a button down oxford
shirt, collar popped, 'casual' slacks, boat shoes, and check out those socks :)
We made him run a couple of races for our entertainment!
HOWEVER, you should have seen us Westerners on the American football
Carlos was a beast at quarterback, and Eric zinged a bullet for the final pass.  

David, a Chinese teacher that got roped in to doing the race with the guys,
was SO HAPPY at winning!  You would have thought we all won the
Superbowl, for all the cheers and high fives :)  Look how happy he is!  Precious :)))

We came in third place over all, which was a pretty respectable showing.  But as soon as the results were announced, I was outta there :) I decided to hop on the subway afterwards to venture down to the Silk Street Market for a bit of evening shopping.  I was trying to salvage my Sunday Funday Workday to some degree. Besides, I was on a mission...

I popped up out of the subway, and quickly realized I miscounted my stops.
I have no idea where I was, but the neon rainbow going across the road was cool.
The Silk Street Market is famous all the world over.  In fact,
it's rich history of making 'knock offs' of popular name
brands lead to a major motion picture that dealt with
commercial piracy and copyright infringement.  (Can you
name that movie?)  Over 20,000 shoppers pass through here
daily, eager to drive a hard bargain on all the best 'name
brands' in shoes, clothing, luggage, outerwear, etc. As I popped
out of the subway, I waded through a number of tour buses
full of Russians who were all spilling in to the market.

I was a woman on a mission...with only one purchase in mind.
Being screamed at by hawkers, and driving a hard bargain
is not my idea of a good time.  I scoped out several floors of
booths, then ventured in for the kill.  I wanted to buy a North Face
backpack, and I scored one for only $5.00 more than what I
wanted to pay.  Winning!  Now about that trip to Thailand...

G'nite, y'all!


  1. It's always a blast living vicariously through your stories, Karen! Stay safe, and enjoy the ride...

  2. Thank you, Gerri :) I really am having a wonderful time, so far. I have yet to crash and burn here, lol. Honestly though, I really don't see that happening. However, I may be singing a different tune in the dead of winter when the AQI is up over 500!
    For now, life is good :)
