Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 28- Incredible Kids

It still seems odd to me to not see Old Glory flying
on the school property.  On the plus side, it was
a beautiful blue sky morning and the AQI was only 53 :)

My AP Psychology students had their first exam this week.  It was not an
easy test.  I basically gave them the same lecture and assignments that my
college students would have received- only even more challenging.  I was
blown away by their performance.  Out of 43 students, I had 27 A's, four of
which were 100% A+'s, and 12 B's.  And if that wasn't a sweet enough gift
for this teacher, one of my students brought me cupcakes; I had once
mentioned how much I loved GiGi's Cupcakes back in Indianapolis.
These kids are somethin' else :)

At lunch time, there was a large crowd of kids gathered, watching other kids
perform.  This boy was dancing like a cross between Michael Jackson
and Justin Timberlake.  He was that good :)  Another kid did some
break dancing, and many sang and played instruments.

They had been advertising around the school as
Byzantine Crew- recruiting peace and love.
Peace and love is a good thing :)

Not only do these kids have amazing academic talent, it's a shame they don't have more of an opportunity to showcase their musical talents.  Beginning this school year, one of the objectives of BNDS was to provide more instruction and opportunities in the arts.  Dance, Choir, guitar, music composition, and orchestra have all been expanded or added to the curriculum this year.  Last year was the school's first every play or musical.  They performed Fiddler on the Roof, which was a huge undertaking.  I can't wait to see what show they have planned for this year.  I see that as an opportunity for me to become more involved with the students, too.  I loved being the director and drama club sponsor at the schools where I was employed in Indiana.

"Lucky".  I feel that way, too.

As I watched these kids perform, I realized yet again, how
fortunate I am to be working with such a talented group
of kids- intellectually, academically, and artistically.
Because of their high achieving nature, I am challenged
daily in the classroom.  This is yet another reason why
this move to Beijing, China, was good for me personally
and professionally.  I catch myself reflecting, stretching,
reaching and growing daily, in so many, many ways.
And that also keeps me smiling :) 

G'nite, y'all!

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