Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Day 458 Keeping Score

I have been running errands nearly every day after school, getting groceries, taking care of utility cards, putting money on my data plan for my phone, a trip back to the post office, etc.  You can't imagine how the simplest of tasks become so complicated.  Yes, it would help if I spoke the language.  Generally, I 'preload' my requests in my Google translator app, and have them 'in cue' when I head out to take care of business.  Any day I can accomplish one task without a major catastrophe or meltdown, it's a good day.

Today was a VERY good day.

Thankfully we got paid this week.  The first stop was to the bank to replenish "Bank of Karyn" which is my cash stash I keep in reserve in my apartment.  That was easy. Score one for me.

Next stop was back to the post office.  I made another attempt to mail my grandkids some movies. Shot down.  Score one for China.  I didn't cry this time, score one for me.

This was the madness at the post office, which is China normal.
NOBODY stands in an efficient line. They all crowd around
from every angle, looking to jump ahead of others. I was behind
the woman in the tweed coat- the others were attempting to cut.
I shot them all looks that would kill, held my ground, and told
them to "GET BEHIND THEE!" And they did.  Score one for me.
Emily and Ellen's boxes (minus what the inspector removed,
score one for China) were mailed without incident,
and I didn't have to fill out Chinese postal forms three times
 this trip because I can't  read stupid Mandarin.
Score one for me.   
After the post office, I zipped in to China Unicom and loaded some more money on my phone. I had a bit of a hiccup, but I held my ground, waved my money around, and got 'er done.  Score one for me.
It was a long walk home from my errands and I passed a
Subway.  I have occasionally seen them in China, but never
got a sandwich from there.  Didn't have to cook dinner,
and I got a familiar turkey bacon sub on whole wheat?
Score one for me.

The choice of chips left something to be desired...No Cool Ranch
Doritos, No Garden Variety Sun Chips, No BBQ KC Masterpiece....
my choices were yogurt, savory pork, seaweed, or squid.
Score one for China.

I got two cookies instead....Score one for me.

That I got three major tasks accomplished between after work and bedtime?  Unheard of!

Score one for me.  

Final tally of the day?  Karyn  8     China  3

All in all, it was a very good day, indeed!  I'm closing in on back to happy :)

G'nite, y'all! 

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