Friday, December 4, 2015

Day 461 Happy is here!

Well things just got better for both of us!  Look who was in
my apartment when I got home from school today.
A great way to start the weekend!!!

On Saturday I had a repairman come and replace the outlet I had
purchased.  His repair bill was 5RMB, that's about 75 cents, people.
Greg, a house call alone is about $50USD, right?!

We knew something more ominous than usual was
looming in the air, when I returned from lunch on
Monday and a three pack of 3M masks was on my desk.
By the day's end, Beijing had issued it's first Red Alert
for smog, and classes were cancelled for the next two days.

Sadly, our polluted air was making the world news.
Click on this link for more.

You got no complaints from me.  Two extra days holed up in my
apartment with Len here???  I'll take it!

By Thursday evening, the boys got together for a rehearsal session.
They are playing at Homeplate BBQ on December 19th.

And that is music to my happy ears :)  Stay tuned!

G'nite, y'all!

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