Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Day 472 Christmas dumplings

Christmas is on the horizon here at BNDS, and the annual door decorating contest took place...

Nothing says 'Happy Christmas' like a 3D version
of Mr. Durik dressed as Santa...I don't know what
the Mandarin is all about.

And nothing says "Christmas in China" than to
throw up a bunch of tinsel, random cut outs,
and twinkling lights to call it 'good'.

I thought covering the whole door to look like
Santa was clever...

But my favorite was the "Dear Santa" letter...
the students had been very good and all they
were asking for was extra credit, a Christmas
holiday (they are in school), restful sleep,
and less pollution.  Only in the China, lol.

Ms. Betty and I had spoken about a month ago about an 
activity to help bridge the gap between our Chinese teacher
friends and the Western staff.  Food always brings people 
together, and Betty offered to teach the Western staff
how to make Chinese dumplings.  There are dumpling
shops all over the 'jing, and we LOVE dumplings!

Eric got a lesson from Betty on how to roll
them out...my goodness was Betty speedy quick!

We had lots of fillings to choose from, so
Ale and I took to stuffing them.

Then I got a lesson in how to make a
traditional fold and a more fancy fold
for special occasions- like Christmas.

Tah-Dah!  The dumpling cooking lesson
was a grand success, and we all enjoyed
eating the fruits of our labor!

And what did you do at work today???

G'nite, y'all!

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