Saturday, December 19, 2015

Day 476 Homeplate BBQ with friends

When my music teacher friend, Rob, heard that Len
was coming back to town, he graciously talked to the
manager of Homeplate BBQ to book a gig.  It was
billed as Rob & Len's Country & Folk Fiesta,
to which 24 of our closest BNDS friends tagged
along for a night of good food and good music :)

Steve (on bass) and Rob are music teachers at BNDS, and
they picked up a banjo player and Len to make the group
complete.  It was so much fun.  A night of Johnny Cash,
Old Crowe Medicine Show, Hank Sr. & Jr, and so much more.
I loved watching the largely Chinese audience toe tapping
and smiling at our guys- everyone had a great night!
We got our fill of BBQ brisket and all the fixins before the first set.
It was a full house on a Saturday night :)

The winners of last night's Silly Santa- Ale and Carlos.

Luciane arrived just in time to spend the
Christmas holiday with her hubby, Hank.


Some time late in the night, Jade couldn't resist
swiping "the well-traveled hat."  If Len ever
completes his album, he plans to call it,
"Places this Hat has been"
You should see the cover shot.
Sadly, I don't have any video recordings of their big night.  For only getting together for a few rehearsals, they sounded great.  The crowd didn't want them to stop playing.  Clearly a good time was had by all.  It was a great start to Christmas vacation :)

Now on to bigger and better things- our flight takes off in the morning for our next big adventure!!!

G'night, y'all!

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