Friday, December 18, 2015

Day 475 Silly Santa Gift Exchange

Christmas arrived early at BNDS, and I couldn't be happier!  Earlier this afternoon, the city government issued it's second RED ALERT Smog Days.  Mind you, this was on Friday afternoon, December 18th.  The smog was to begin building on Sunday, December 20th, and school was cancelled for Monday and Tuesday, 12/21 & 22.  I find it curious that they can predict when the smog is going to be bad, but they don't really control it to keep it from happening.  At any rate, I am NOT complaining, as my five day Christmas break just got extended to a FULL WEEK!  

My original flight plans for the Maldives was two full days of flying (14 hours, three planes, each way) for just a three day stay in the Maldives.  Screw that!!!!  I spent the afternoon desperately trying to reach Orbitz to change my plans.  I never could get through, so I decided to take a gamble and bought a one way ticket to Male, Maldives, leaving first thing Sunday morning, 12/20, after Len's gig Saturday night.  Since his gig was up on the north east side of town, we decided to take a motel in the 'jing for the night, so it was a quick trip to the airport the following morning.  I was OVER THE MOON!  I was getting out of the cold, polluted air for a FULL SEVEN DAYS ON THE BEACH!!!!!

But first things first....

We had a Christmas party to attend on Friday evening, my first ever Silly Santa gift exchange.  Was it ever silly.  I laughed until I cried, and my face hurt.  It was my kind of night :)

I donned my new sparkly reindeer antlers for
the occasion.  I am wearing a bracelet that
was given to me by Edwin, my dearest Chinese
teacher friend.  I affectionately call him, "My best
man on the ground in China."  He takes it as a
great honor, as he knows that Len is "My best
man on the ground in the United States."  These
two guys take good care of me :)

There was much eating, drinking, and merriment
before we all drew numbers to go select a gift
from under the tree.  There was a pot of
RMBs at stake for the silliest gift of all.
Duong got some feminine unmentionables :)

Santosh refused to share his Chinese
boy band autographed post cards.

Tom was like a kid on Christmas
morning with his brand new pogo stick!

Dameon got a Phobia calendar for 2016.
No, it was not from yours truly, though
I coveted it.  He would not trade me.
Try as I might, I could not convince Dameon that he needed a
golden sparkly Christmas Prosperity Waving Kitty.
So guess what, Lori?  When I get to Indiana this summer,
this one goes to Tayte, and I expect to see it out with
your Christmas decorations next year, lol.
Jade was all too excited to get another
selfie stick!
Carlos gave a most eloquent thank you speech
for this most awesome Avis BBQ apron, lol.

But the Silly Santa gift to beat all gifts was
the dirty dice, complete with a bottle of
Chinese baiju, more commonly known as
'rocket fuel'.  Ale was the proud owner of
Carlos' exceptional Christmas shopping skillz,
and Carlos was the proud owner of a wad of RMBs!


G'nite, y'all!

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