Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 483 From Mafuushi back to Hulhumale, Day 6 in the Maldives

The Masaaree Boutique Hotel where we
stayed on Mafuushi had a 'fish spa', so after
breakfast on our last morning, I decided to give
  it a try.  For a girl who loves to scuba dive,
I hate for things to touch me in the water!

I mean, I really hate for things to
touch me in the water....

It was more than I could bear...

I could not hold still to save my soul, yet
I look across the way and there's
Mister Calm, Cool, and Collected
not moving a muscle.
Ellie, you squirm at a getting a pedi;
I would have paid big money to
see you do a fish spa, lol!

We checked out, and walked down to meet the ferry to
take us back to Hulhumale.  Some local fisherman were
already back mid-morning with their catch of the day to sell.

A local Muslim woman was sweeping
the sand in front of her home.

I tried out one of the 'rebar' swings while
we waited for our ship to come in :)

As we waited on our ride, we lamented the fact
that we never did call on the 'floating bar' to say we did!

Soon we were saying goodbye to Mafuushi, and were back on the water...

...with this little cutie patootie sitting next to me :)

It was a hot, thirsty ride back to
Hulhumale, so I got a baby Coca-Cola
that had twirlygigs of a language
I do not understand :)
It was a beautiful day to be on the water :)  About 45 minutes
in to our ride, we passed Adaaran Resort on Vadoo-
where we spent the day on Christmas yesterday.

We checked back in to the Orchid Hotel, where our Maldivian
vacation began nearly a week ago.  My flight was heading out
that evening, but Len's flight was not until the following night.
With one afternoon left in the hot equatorial
sunshine, what's a girl to do but head to the
beach- where I had to stay covered up,
according to the sign...
...until I didn't. 
Just kidding, they would have thrown me under the jail for that one, lol.

Because this is how they do the
beach in the Maldives ;)
The beach on Hulhumale has a sweet set up- floating docks
tied and anchored together to form a public swimming pool!
Happiest girl in the Maldives!

For real; happiest girl in the Maldives :)))
On our walk back to the motel, I passed this
lovely who was being taken outside by his owner.
He was beautiful, very sassy, and he reminded
me of Betsy and Sally back in Middletown :)

And I can't pass by children in my travels without
engaging them in a little play, and then
asking for a photo of them <3
As the late afternoon sun was setting, it was time for me to shower up, change back in to long pants and clothing for colder weather, and leave for the airport. I had fourteen hours of travel, three planes, and two layovers before I was to land back on planet China....if all goes well.

Until it didn't....

But that is tomorrow's blog.

G'nite, y'all! 

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