Thursday, March 31, 2016

Day 570 Peking Duck and Qingming Festival

I have lived in China for nearly two years now,
and I have yet to discover the pleasure of a
traditional Peking Duck dinner- until tonight.

It was the beginning of Carlos' four day fortieth birthday bash,
and about twenty of us gathered 'round the large circular
tables to enjoy the feast. Carlos is toasting with his chopsticks.

The piece de resistance of Peking Duck is when
they serve the duck head, split in half, at the end
of the meal.  At our table, Sharkey dove right in,
quacker and all.  Ewwww.  I'll pass. 
Birthday boy gave a speech, thanking all of his
new friends for joining him on his special day,
and for all the treasured memories we continue
to make on our crazy China adventure and this
thing called life.  There was a special salud! for
Robert, who dove in and saved Carlos in the
Philippines when we had a sudden asthma
attack while snorkeling. You da man, Robert :)
Gam Bei!!!

David was relishing in winding up Brit John over American politics.
I stayed out of the discussion, yet I couldn't help but laugh along.

Cheers to good friends, good food, and good times!
Gam Bei!!!

As I walked home from the restaurant, many people were already 
lighting their fires on the sidewalks here in the city. Tomorrow is
 the start of the three day Qingming holiday, alson known as the
Tomb Sweeping Festival.  As the name implies, familes gather on
this holiday to sweep and clean the tombs of their ancestors.
They burn paper money as an offering, along with pictures of
new cars, cell phones, clothing and such, as the Chinese believe
these things are still needed in the afterlife. This weekend also
officially marks the start of spring, when couples are often
'matched' to begin openly courting, and the farmers begin to

 turn the fields and start planting.  Qingming is a very important
 holiday for the Chinese that involves some much needed family
 time with extended relatives and eating lots of delicious
  traditional Chinese foods. I will be celebrating the three day
 weekend with a quick trip to Hong Kong- stay tuned!

G'nite, yall

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