Saturday, March 26, 2016

Day 565 Antiques and Temples in the 'jing!

I took a group of new and returning teachers
to Tracey's Antiques warehouse where she
gave us all a lesson in Chinese history and
culture through their collection of artifacts-
like these rice bowls.

A prayer bowl

Driving on a hard bargain on
some beautiful cabinets.

So many interesting things to see, so
many interesting stories to listen to.

Like this traditional Chinese medicine cabinet
that held many kinds of teas and herbal concoctions.

Shoes from Inner Mongolia
In case you're in the market for a camel
saddle or camel bells :)
Or this guy?!  He's available too, ladies :)

Brandon and Maria's 'new' cabinets look
beautiful in their home.  Love them.
From there, we went to Temple of Heaven for
an afternoon stroll around the park.

The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is an impressive building.

And the backdrop for many 'fake' wedding pictures.
It's the Chinese way.

Me and pictures with doors;
It's a problem.

It was a beautiful day in the mid 60's,
lots of folks were out enjoying the sunshine,
blue sky, and clean air :)
More 'fake' wedding photos in the doorway on the left. 
They aren't faking their smiles very well, if you ask me.

This tree is reportedly over 700 years old.

 We strolled through the park, and made our way to the Alter of Heaven.

I patiently waited my turn, then jumped in to
the Chinese madness for my chance to stand
on the Chinese Heavenly Stone.
Feeling better already :)))

Irish Tom by the cauldron for incense burning.

This baby girl makes me smile :)
Brandon and Maria, you make a beautiful baby girl.

An impromptu concert from Les Mis

They all sang with such gusto! They were not a theater troupe,
but simply people wandering in the park who would stop and
join in on the singing. I have seen this many times before.  I
do love that when the Chinese (who typically are quite shy) go
to a public park, they will sing, dance, and play their instruments
with reckless abandon.  Many times I have joined in with a
group of folks who are dancing, just because I can :)
I was enamoured with the Chinese accordion player <3
This dancer, though, was a bit too much!

Still, I admire his style ;-)

It was a glorious day in the 'jing!

G'nite, y'all

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