Monday, March 14, 2016

Day 553 Feel the feels

As you know, technology has been the bane of my existence as of late.  I have had to make peace with it, roll with it, deal with it, and find my happy place.  As a teacher, technology is both a blessing and a curse.  It's awesome to come across some new topic or idea, that actually leads to some questions and discussion (a RARITY among Chinese students).  I can call on a student to appropriately take out their phones and look something up for clarification.  It can be very handy, and they love any reason to get on their phones while in class... just like American kids in that regard ;-)

This week I taught the unit on Motivation and Emotion.
In the midst of the lecture, I covered the six basic emotions
that are readily recognized all over the world, by a person's
facial expression, body language and tone of voice.
These emotions are happy, sad, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust.

I then told everybody to take out their phones, find a partner, 

...and each person had to demonstrate three of the emotions.

I've never heard Chinese kids get so LOUD
or so ANIMATED, or have SO MUCH FUN
in the classroom :)  I laughed at their antics,
which was food for my soul.

Because every photo required at least 20 takes
to get the perfect shot. The Chinese do love photos!

They were just thrilled that, for once, Ms. McDaniel
 wasn't griping at them to put their phones away :)
Their fits of giggles at all of the 'missed cues'
had me giggling right along with them.
Chinese classrooms are typically QUIET.

I had to laugh when I saw Helen's piercing look of anger
on the lower left side.  She reminded me of me with the
flash of anger in her eyes, flared nostrils and her set jaw, lol.
My kids have seen THAT look on their momma's face a time or two!

And boy, do the Chinese ever do 'disgust' well.
What isn't captured in the photographs is
how they click their tongues and smack their
lips when they are disgusted...I see and hear it
all. the. dang. time. Wherever I go!

I had kids, not even in my class, filing in and out of my
room for two weeks to see the bulletin board of their
friends making funny faces.  This impromptu lesson
was a big hit- I'll have to remember it for next year.

In the meantime?!  Kids, put your dang phones away!
Midterm exams are in just two weeks!

G'nite, y'all!

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