Sunday, March 20, 2016

Day 559 He knocks, I answer

I spent the weekend spring cleaning, enjoying the 60
degree temperatures, and loving the COLOR I am seeing
in the cityscape. I was beginning to feel like a new woman. 

I cannot look at a tree in full bloom, against
a BLUE SKY, and not smile, y'all :)))))
This last week was all about shaking off the blues, getting over myself, and getting back to my happy self.  It's going to take some doing,  but I feel like I am on the right track.  I started by getting by a$$ back in the gym.  Four workouts this week for starters, and I am sore, but it is a good sore.  I would have never thought I could enjoy working out.  I used to joke that if you see me running, you better look behind me, because I am being chased by a bad man! I still don't like to run, but I walk everywhere in Beijing, and I bike to and from school and to run errands. Even still, you would have never found me in a gym working out. I have to thank my ex-husband, Donnie, for that- for showing me the way around a weight room, how to lift properly, with how much weight and how many reps. Being disciplined this week in my workouts really helped the funk begin to lift.

Then there was the spring cleaning...which also helped....and candles...candles are always good.

There was one thing missing, and I knew in my heart of hearts what needed to happen.

This week is the start of Holy Week.  Today is
Palm Sunday, and He was calling me back home.

He quietly, gently knocked this week, and I answered.
I cannot tell you how good it felt to be back in
the house of the Lord.  I wept; happy tears this time.

As I sang all the familiar songs, and heard the familiar
Easter story, I thought of the Easter musicals we used to do at
Mt. Zion Wesleyan Church. (Why was I always cast as
Mary Magdalene?!) That got me to thinking....I would love
to get a hold of the script for "Bow the Knee" and direct it at
Haidian Christian Church next year.  Wouldn't that be so cool?!
I would guess that China hasn't seen anything like that in a church.
Pastor Steve, I'm knocking on your door when I am home
to visit this coming summer! Can I get a copy of the script?!

As I walked back to the subway (it's an hour's
train ride and 15 minute walk to church) after
the service was over, the sky was more blue
than ever. I swear I could watch the blooms
open up, and my spirits were buoyed, too :)
Being back in church not only felt right, it felt like coming home. I am very blessed
to be able to freely worship here in Beijing.

I just KNOW this week is going to be much, much better.
I am making my way back to happy :)

G'nite, y'all!

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