Thursday, June 18, 2015

Day 291 BNDS graduation!

Thursday, June 18th was BNDS graduation.
I have never put on such a fancy, tailored
graduation gown (coat?) I felt like I
had just received my PhD! Super fancy :)
The day began with early morning pictures with the graduating
class out on the soccer field.  After yesterday's thunderstorm it
was a gorgeous sunny blue sky morning in Beijing.  Later in
the morning we were all escorted to the banquet hall for a
Teacher Awards Program, planned and sponsored by the seniors.

Teachers were all called to the stage,
where a student read a personal message
written for each teacher. Here's my bestie,
Jeanette, who teaches AP Biology.
Soon it was my turn to be called to the stage.
We were all presented with flowers and a coffee
mug.  When you fill your mug with hot tea or coffee,
a sketch of ourselves magically appears. China weird.
My sketch looks nothing like me.  When I first tried it,
I said to Kathy, "Who is this woman on my mug?"
She said, "Karyn, I think it's supposed to be YOU."

They presented us with a Thank You note which
was read to the audience.  Mine said, "Ms. McDaniel,
I thought psychology is a magic that leads and controls
human minds, and I was wrong because of it's tentativeness
and modesty.  I thought psychology class is a game where
everyone becomes a magician and I was wrong, because
of all the theories and cases we learned.  Yet, I was
delighted by my wrongness, because the most beautiful
and youthful teacher I have ever met shows me the most
tangible and intangible, the most helpful yet doubted
science I have ever seen.  Thank you, Ms. McDaniel."
I love how the Chinese students write; trying to use
all of their big TOEFL and SAT vocab words.
It's adorable, and sincere, and very touching.
I was able to hear some of my students perform
in Encore, the student chorus, one last time.

In the afternoon, we gathered one last time for the commencement
ceremony in the school's gymnasium.  There was no Pomp and
Circumstance as the kids filed in.... Aw, he** no, these kids
marched in to the... (wait for it!)...  
If you don't remember it, click on it above :)

I was dying laughing after about fourteen rounds of this!  For
the life of me I could not figure out why they chose this song.
Is it because they are ready to head off to the Wild West to 
attend an American University?!  As over the top as this school
can be, I half expected to see horses go galloping around the gym.
China is so freaking weird sometimes. 

Much of the time.  

Okay, ALL of the time.

I cannot help but smile :)

I was happy to hear one of my top students, Jackie,
speak one more time.  He speaks English so eloquently.
He was the narrator for the spring production of
Beauty and the Beast, and he did a wonderful job.
He is so poised, too.  He plans to study philosophy
in California, inspired by my friend Eric's Theory of
Knowledge class.  He's a future college professor, for sure.

Miss Judy was pleased to get her diplomas!

I had to take a pic of all the proud parents
taking pics- the Chinese do love their cameras :)

I had to snap a pic of this momma who came
to graduation in what looked like a cocktail
dress.  Chinese fashion doesn't mean a thing!
These were our Honors graduates- I couldn't read
their names, but I know I had some students up there :)

One of my students, Michelle, is also an art student.  She, along
with some other senior art students, did a beautiful painting of
the International Department Building to present to the head
mistress, Mrs. Betty Wu.  This was a very touching gift because
this summer, the inside of the building is getting renovated,
and they are blowing out the south wall and expanding all
seven floors to our building.  We will be temporarily housed
in the school library for first semester.  The construction is slated
to be complete by the end of February when we return from our
month long spring vacation. Big changes in store at BNDS :)

Here are two proud mommas of their daughter, Mindy, who
is headed to Pennsylvania this fall to study Psychology :)
Me and Michelle, the artist, singer, and dancer
who also happens to LOVE psychology.  She
is headed to Massachusetts. THAT Massachusetts :)
Me and sweet Aileen, who also is headed to
southern California to study Environmental
Science.  She was the one who wrote the
Thank You letter for me :) 

My bestie and Ray, my Canadian friend,
and one of our PE teachers.  His wife,
Kathy, is my close friend and office mate.
We traveled to the frozen tundra of
Harbin, China, for the Ice Festival over
New Year's this past January.

This is the sign language, in Mandarin, for the 
number eight. You can count to ten in Mandarin
on just one hand.  It's helpful in the market place.
However, the Chinese kids often pose for
selfies making this sign. In this case, it is
to 'frame' your face and it means 'COOL!'
Chinese girls think is makes their often
round faces appear more slender in photos-
or so my students have told me, lol.
No graduation is complete without posing for pictures
with your teachers on stage and throwing your graduation caps!

I saved this one for last, as it sums up the day,
the seniors' entire year, and my first year....
Congratulations, BNDS Class of 2015 :)

God Bless y'all in the years to come, and G'nite!

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