Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 292 POETS to end all

On Friday, June 19th, we had the last POETS gathering of the
school year.  If your remember, this is a cocktail and finger
food party after school on a Friday which signifies,
"Piss On Everything Tomorrow's Saturday"!!!
Len, Damien, and Eric were chatting it up in the kitchen-
Wait! That's where the women folk usually gather, lol.

Duong, Kirsten and Claire on the right.  She will be leaving
us the end of this year and is headed to Hong Kong next. Go, Claire!

Me and my hiking buddy and fellow Hoosier, Hank :)
Here's to you, Lucianne!

Derick, on the left, is also leaving us after three years at
BNDS, and Vietnam before that.  Now he's headed to

South America. All the best to you, D!

Uh-oh, somebody had too much party
and pooped out!

Me and the girlies :)

Dave, Hank, and Len all took turns at the guitar :)

Two of my closer friends, Alejandra from
Honduras, and Kathy, my office mate from Canada.
I love meeting new friends from all over the world.
The world is full of good people, y'all!

You don't want to get involved in pub night trivia with
these two, Grant & Sara, you will lose, FOR SURE.

Here's Ray, from Canada, and Santosh, my fellow Floridian.
There was never a guy more in love with 'Merica than
Santosh, who immigrated here in the 1980's.  Santosh
is one of my lunch buddies and the man is NEVER without a
smile.  He is, no doubt, the happiest man in China :)
In spite of beginning the long, slow goodbyes of our colleagues and
friends who are retiring or moving on to other schools, there
was plenty to smile and laugh about at POETS, as always.

Seriously, folks, you need to introduce POETS at your workplace.
It's the perfect way to close out the work week and begin the weekend :)

On that happy note, G'nite, y'all!

(Could somebody get me another glass of sangria?!)

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