Friday, June 12, 2015

Day 286 Brain Project

AP exams are done, seniors have left the building, graduation
is this next week, and the year is quickly winding down- PTL!
I am left with only juniors on my roster, and since they have
taken the AP exam already, I couldn't see putting them through
another comprehensive final exam. I opted to do a 'Brain
Project' the last regular week of classes.  They were excited :)

I had to bump up our 'final' presentations a week as I had two
juniors leaving for the States for summer enrichment programs.
 One is pursuing film studies at UCLA, and the other is taking
psychology courses at Stanford.  So proud of my kids :)
Students were given a budget to buy materials to
build a model of the brain.  There were seventeen
structures that had to be correctly labeled.
I had some interesting 'brains' again this year.
This team shopped at the grocery store and used
scary Chinese meats and sausages.
Nobody baked a 'brain cake' this year...
and I was hoping for a snack!!
The second part of their project was to perform a skit of
some sort, describing each of the various parts of the brain.
They were hysterical, y'all.  This group was at a museum
discussing their observations of Albert Einstein's brain,
who was seated in the chair- very clever.

In this skit, the mom (who was standing) was at the mall
shopping for a brain for her daughter.  The 'good brain'
was of exceptional quality, as was demonstrated by
it's abilities, but it was not on sale.  The 'bad brain' seated
on the right, was found on the clearance rack, but was
clearly defective in form and function.  I laughed until I cried!
The mom opted to pay full price for the good brain, afterall. LOL.

I wish I had a better photo of this, but all chaos and pandemonium
broke out with this group.  Apparently there is some Chinese TV
game show here called "Si Ming Pai" that is very popular. The
essence of the game is to rip signs off the backs of the other
contestants (I think).  Well, this group had the entire class
 participating in the game, and it was NUTS! 

Thank God they didn't model their presentation after an infamous Japanese Game Show....those Japanese. Are. Something. ELSE.  I cannot, in good conscience, give you the link to the Japanese Game Show I am referencing, but you can youtube it for yourself if you are super, super curious. Type in "Funny Japanese Game Show"- you'll figure it out from there ;)

I would hate to have to 'splain that one to the powers that be here at school...

It would likely get my Foreign Expert Certificate
from the People's Republic of China

Thankfully, I remain employed for yet another day :)

G'nite, y'all!

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