Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 276 Color Run

Remember me feeding the super skinny momma earlier this spring?

Now I am feeding her puppy, too!  God love them :)

I have been wanting to take Len to this German restaurant
on the east side that I found near my hairdresser.  We
finally made that happen and it was delicious!  

It seems there's a Party happening in the school's
conference room this week and once again,
I was not invited.  smh.
One of the student clubs at BNDS organized a Color Run this week.

Little Miss G. did not stay clean for long!

Our PE teachers, Nate and Ray, got NAILED!

But I think Robbie was messiest of all :)

Sadly, I did not know about the color run until Little Miss G came to my office late in the day.  I would have been in the thick of things if only I could read the Mandarin posters that hang all over our school walls.  Since we are an International Department, with students all bound for English speaking universities, perhaps school signage could be in English instead?!  Even attendance records are in Mandarin, which makes for a serious challenge.

At any rate, I really need to get on those Mandarin lessons....

G'nite, y'all!

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