Saturday, June 13, 2015

Day 287 Pub Crawl- China style :)

Ms. J's first batch of bottled brew appears to be a success!
I wouldn't know; it tastes like beer to me :/

Ms. J, being a member of the Beijing Home Brewers Association,
is privy to all the beer happenings in the 'jing.  Microbreweries
are popping up all over Beijing, many of which are in the
very cool hutongs.  She organized a 'Pub Crawl- Hutong Style'
for any takers at BNDS.  I brought my own beverages, but
joined in on the socializing and fun because the girl came
packing with all sorts of tasty snacks!!!
I have mentioned the hutongs in Beijing (and China) several times before in this blog.  They are neighborhoods situated in tight alleyways, filled with cafes, shops of all sorts, pubs, and restaurants. They are great for an afternoon of reading a book in a quiet courtyard, even better for a night time stroll for people watching :)  If you'd like to know more about the rich history and culture of Beijing's hutongs, follow this link:  hutongs in the 'jing

Some of my favorite people were out for the afternoon,
 like Kathy and Ray, my good friends to the north :)
Dr. Dave, one of our chemistry teachers,
was burning up in the hot sun- the
poor fella forgot to wear sunscreen.
Our attempt at a group shot before we left the Great Leap Brewing,
bound for the next stop.  If you are interested in reading more
about the Great Leap, and all the craft brews they have to offer,
check them out: Great Leap Brewing

GLB is always popular with the expats living here :)

SAs we left GLB, some of the folks were already
 starting to waddle like these wayward geese...
too many cold beers in the hot sun!
After the slow down to a pub's crawl because of the geese,
we ended up completely stopped en route to our next pub.
You see, cars aren't even allowed in the narrow alleyways
of the hutongs.  These alleys are meant for foot traffic, bikes,
scooters, and the occasional rickshaw.  These folks
clearly ignore all of the posted signs. (The Chinese do
love their signage, as I shared on Day 300, if you missed it!)
It seemed at least a dozen Chinese men appeared out of nowhere,
and kindly offered their shouts and hand signals to the wayward
 driver of the Jeep.  Note the fashion custom of the man in the
 blue shirt.  This is how MOST Chinese men walk about the 'jing
on a hot summer day- shirt up.  bleck.  Just once,
Len and Ray did not join in the men's club.  They could only
sit and watch in awe as the Jeep squeezed through with less
than inches to spare.  What made the whole scene more
comical is there was no way in the world she was squeezing
between the next two sets of cars.  All that finagling for nothing!

More male glamour shots as they engaged in a raucous game
of poker!  You see this all over the streets of China.
The next stop was Arrow Factory Brewing Taproom,
which is next to one of my favorite German places, Stuff'd.
Check them out: AFB Taproom

Len had a good time talking with the bartender
who also is a home brewer.  They were trading
recipe secrets, I think ;) Some of the group
decided to refuel on German sausages from
next door; I was holding out for the next stop.

Slow Boat Brewery was the last stop (for this girlie anyway-
the rest of the group carried on late into the night).  I have
 wanted to go to this place ALL YEAR.  Not only does Slow
Boat brew craft beers, I had been told that they have the BEST
BURGERS & FRIES in all of Beijing.... Say what?!?!?!
Check them out:
Kirsten and Dave were so hungry for spicy fries, they helped
themselves to the fries left by the last guy who sat there!
(Ok, I wasn't THAT desperate.)  But, I have to say, a burger
and fries hasn't tasted that good since a burger and fries from
Burdine's in Marathon, FL.  For those of you that followed our
sailing  adventures on my previous blog, Sailboats and Kitty Litter,
then you know this is my favorite place in the Keys for a burger :)
Follow the link: Sailing to Burdines

Ummm, Len, just so you know, this place is first on my list
when I return to the Keys this summer...
...and you can d**n well be certain that I will
save room for the deep fried key lime pie!!!

On that pleasant thought, G'nite, y'all!

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