Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 268 home brewing

So my friend, Jeanette, has joined the Beijing Home Brewers
Association (or something like that!) and it has taken her months
 to procure all the parts and pieces and ingredients to finally
make her own brew.  Yep, those are our water cooler bottles she
 is using, and I am happy for her because she is happy :)

While the yeast did it's thing for 10-14 days, the mission became how
 to find bottles to package her brew.  Let it be known, I hate beer, I
know nothing about beer, but I am always up for a scavenger hunt.
Trying to find the Western things you want and need in Beijing,
whether it's a cookie sheet for baking, or bottles for home brew,
it's like going on a treasure hunt, and I am always up for an adventure!
We just randomly hit up bars and restaurants, hoping to score on some
empty brown bottles. They had to be brown bottles, that much I know.
Trying to communicate  all of this in a language we do not yet
fully comprehend, and certainly do not speak, was an adventure in itself :)

For the next 10 days, the yeast did it's thing, I guess.
And thankfully Len arrived in Beijing, who happens to know
a thing or two about brewing, as he did so when he lived in
Little Rock, AR.  Show Jeanette what to do next, please!

Again, I know nothing about home brewing,
but my OCD-ness comes in handy to sterilize
 bottles and bottle caps, and to sort them by size :)  

Len primed the first batch to bottle, then
Jeanette primed the second batch, lol.

And we seemed to be in the business of bottling!
Just like Laverne and Shirley, Hasenpfeffer, Inc. :)))

Until we weren't; and then we were on to plan H.

But Laverne (Jeanette) persevered...

...and even Lenny got in on the act,
and we were no longer in Beijing,
but Milwaukee, WI :)))

Tah-dah!  I have no idea how it will taste, but mission accomplished!
No beer for me; I was just happy to oblige :)
G'nite, y'all!

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