Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 262 This n' that

I followed this cutie-patooty on my way to
school this morning.  Such fancy little top knots :)

It has been gorgeous in Beijing these days, I'll take it!
The temps have been climbing to the mid-90's and higher.
Thank God for the wind- the wind is our friend in Beijing.

Our seniors are quickly wrapping up the year with final
exams and final projects and papers.  One of my students
invited me to her English class for her final project and
presentation on 'Crossing Cultural Boundaries with
Chinese Dumplings'. They were handmade by her, with
a delicious pork and leek filling- yummy! :)

I came home for lunch one day this week and
on my return trip to school, the trash pickers
were down for their afternoon siesta! I
love how the first guy used an empty water
bottle for a pillow, and the second guy was
'reclining' in the tree planter, lol. The Chinese
love their siesta more than those that invented it.

Our principal and several others were on a tour of premier
high schools in the United States as we are undergoing a
major renovation starting this summer.  As such, I was asked
to assist with evaluating prospective students applying for
admission to BNDS.  I was to assess their cooperation,
teamwork, and leadership skills.  These present 9th graders,
who have no prior experience together, were given a scenario.
They had four minutes to devise a plan and skit, in Mandarin,
then they had two minutes to deliver it in English.
The kids were fun to watch, and some true leaders emerged.

I was asked to babysit this little Filipino-
American baby doll so her parents could
have a date night.  I was HAPPY to oblige!

We were fast friends playing "Pee Poh"

So we made Pee Poh cookies, and watched
Despicable Me.  We were only about twenty
minutes in to "Frozen" when her parents got
home from their movie date. Don't tell me
what happens!  I haven't finished it yet!!

Little Miss C served as the perfect distraction- to missing my own grandbabies, and for the anxious arrival of a special visitor tomorrow evening :)

Not that I will sleep tonight, but....

G'nite, y'all!

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