Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day 255 It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

Yesterday's occasional rain showers gave
way to today's clearing skies and CLEAN
AIR- this was my morning mountain view
as the sun was rising. AQI 22- I'll take it!!!

And when I left school at 4:30 this afternoon,
it was absolutely GORGEOUS outside-
sunny, blue sky, and 82 degrees.
Happiest. Girl. In. China.  Like, for real!!!

Even the bare a$$ed babies were not getting
me down today- or their honking shoes!

The apartment complex was teeming with people out and
about enjoying the sunshine and fresh air- even the guy
who walks his herd of Yorkies.

I love seeing so many grandparents, parents, and children all
visiting and playing in the courtyard.  I sat down with a group
of old folks who sit and kibbutz every afternoon.  I wow'd
them with my "Xiawu hao!" (Good Afternoon!) and then
got in immediately over my head!  All I could do was smile
and laugh, and start the usual game of charades.

Here's a nainai with her little sunzi :)
Ok, let's be real; I would be so screwed without
my VPN to access Google translate on my iPhone, lol.

It was so beautiful out, I couldn't bear going
to my apartment, so I threw on a tank top
and shorts, slipped on my flip flops and
decided to take a walk around the neighborhood.
It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood :)
The Chinese are notorious for copying just
about anything and everything (and they do
it so very well, seriously), but they didn't
get this one quite right. A Super 8 Hotel?!
I don't think so....

If the exterior looked like the building across the
street, maybe they could call themselves a hotel.
Beijing does work hard at beautification. I
love the tree lined streets. Everywhere.
Of course, trees improve the air quality, too.
And flowers? The city is covered in flowers.
I love that the warm weather has brought all the life
back into the streets- including the rousing games of
Chinese poker!  There were no less than twenty men
gathered around.  I think the guy in the red hoodie was
the one to beat.  He looked like a card shark to me.
This guy with his portable bicycle shop
got caught up in the poker game and
left his business unattended :)
The street vendors are all back selling fresh
fruits and vegetables, grilling meats and tofu,
making pancakes, caramel corn, noodles,
and about anything else your heart desires.
I vow to get more adventuresome with street food.
Starting tomorrow... :)

For today, I went to McDonald's for my filet o' fish fix.  From there, I went to
CSF to pick up some  groceries and cleaning supplies. I couldn't help but
giggle at the fancy toilet seat covers- soft terry cloth, silk, and trimmed in lace.
  The Chinese don't quite know what to do about a Western toilet.  I can't tell you
how many times I have had to wipe off dirty shoe prints off the seat before I sit
down.  You got that right- they climb up on the seat to squat! So there you go-
the cover is not "for your best life-styling and spending in your sanitary space."
Oh, China, your Chinglish slays me :)
The best news of all was that I left with 100y in my pocket, which is about $16.25USD. I bought dinner at McDonald's, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, fresh broccoli, blueberries, bread, cereal, and other goods, and I still came home with 20y and change left in my pocket. I spent a whopping $13.00!!!  Clean air, blue sky, 82 degrees, and a ridiculously inexpensive cost of living?  Today is one of those days I consider myself so incredibly blessed to be on this awesome Chinese adventure.

G'nite, y'all!

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