Friday, May 8, 2015

Day 251 Hot pot!

It was sunny and beautiful all week, with
beautiful blue skies and clean air, so I have
been loving wearing summer dresses and Kino's
to work.  However, my feet were in desperate need
of a pedi, so I treated myself to one after work.

They politely brought me 'treats' while I got my
toes purtied up- 'treats' as in cherry tomatoes to
snack on, and to wash down with a cup of hot water.
I cannot get used to drinking plain hot water, and
cherry tomatoes have never been a snack of mine.
I smiled politely, then went and bought a sack
of gummy bears after I was all done, lol.

I was looking forward to Friday to celebrate Robert's birthday
with him, and some colleagues of mine.  Robert is my Keys
connection- he is from Key Largo.  Another biology teacher
will be joining us from the Keys next year.  In addition, our
AP Principal, Mark, vacations in Key West.  We prop each
other up when were are missing our beloved Florida Keys :)

Liz, in the previous photo, was the choral director for Beauty and
the Beast.  Paige (above) is a dance instructor, and Andy helped
with the technical end of things, because that's what boyfriends
and husbands do when their significant others get involved in theater.
How well I know; putting on a school or community production is
a major undertaking that takes the help from many, many fine folks :)

Jeanette and I will never turn down an invite for hot pot, and
this place is amazing.  It started with warm washrags for our
hands, lens wipes for our glasses (from the steam) aprons to
wear (as hotpot can get a little messy), a table side noodle
dance, and more surprises and treats.  This place was great!
'Hot pot' is generally a table in the round, with a hotplate in
the center of the table.  They bring out two kinds of broth,
and you order any meats, veggies, etc., that you want to
toss into it.  We had lamb, and beef, assorted mushrooms,
sweet potatoes, lotus fruit, noodles, tofu, and other goodies.
There is a condiment bar, too, for you to mix your own
 sauce for dipping.  I usually start with a sesame base, and
add Thai peppers, garlic, soy and seasonings.  SO TASTY!

They found out it was Robert's birthday celebration
so that got him up to join in a Little Apple dance.
It is ALL the craze in China; you hear this song 
playing anywhere and everywhere!

Want to see more?!  It's a catchy tune- you've been forewarned!

Robert caught on quickly and was a good sport
about it :)

After his dance, they presented him with a gift bag, and
it contained a beautiful silk tie- it was perfect :)
These Chinese know how to make an evening very special.

Those times when I get especially lonely for home and all things
familiar, I must pause, breathe, and be reminded that I have been
given a once in a lifetime opportunity here- to work, to see
and experience new things, and to be blessed with a whole
new circle of friends.  For an old broad like me, I feel especially
fortunate.  This is why I say I am the happiest girl in China :)

Happy Birthday, Robert!  Thank you for including me in your special day.

G'nite, y'all!

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