Thursday, May 14, 2015

Day 257 the cat's mao

I had promised a couple of my students that I wanted to take them
out for pizza sometime. Between the spring musical, AP Exams,
and their senior year quickly wrapping up, we couldn't make it
happen until today. We took the 1 to the 2 to the 6 to Nanluoguxiang.

We made it! Aileen, myself and Mindy looking for some fun :)

We ended up in the Luogu Lane hutong which is HUGE.  It is a
maze of commercial businesses and a residential area as well.
Many of the remaining hutongs are largely commercial as they are
popular 'hot spots' for the younger crowd and tourists alike.

The night was still young, and already the narrow streets were filling up.

I love the architecture of the favorite place to go explore.

These are ice creams- so fancy!

Cotton candy that looked too pretty to eat :)

Sometimes I simply do not understand the signs
here in China...who advertises a "F***ing Good Mojito"?

A coffee shop that advertises "Mean Beans and Bada$$ Bread"?!?
I don't get it.  The girls told me that the Chinese use those words
not really realizing what they mean, but they want to appear 'cool'
like Westerners.  They have a distorted view of 'cool'.  Better yet,
Americans have fed the rest of the world a distorted view of 'cool'
through our own ridiculous marketing and mass media.

Mindy tells me this is the best yogurt in Beijing.
A took a picture so I can find it again :)

I want to find this place again too, 'Simply by the Sea'

I hear the nautical dress on the right calling my name ;)

As we left the commercial hutong for the more
residential area, I couldn't help but snap a pic
of this man in front of his door.  Many of these
buildings are over 500-600 years old.
Mindy had a surprise for me.  I don't know how
she found it, but suddenly she saw a cat sign up on
the corner of this building and said, "Here it is!"

She took me to a cat cafe, lol.  

So we started the evening by ordering food for the cats!

There were kitties everywhere; thank God I'm not allergic!

What a beautiful mao...he looked like a leopard, and his fur was so sleek.

He was my favorite; he got extra treats :)

This mao was wearing a beautiful pearl necklace.

 Lori, I found GRUMPY CAT in Beijing!
His face looked like he ran into the back of a parked car.

My new little buddy

Finally, I had to wipe down the table, and shoo the kitties away.
It was time for us to order some food :)

Delicious drink! I am making the sign of the number 8; but
in Chinese slang, many pose like this which means 'Great!'

Aileen ordered a mint soda.

After the girls ordered dinner, I went to wash my hands,
only to have to step over Grumpy Cat washing his butt- Great :/

They ordered some delicious food; a fresh vegetable salad,
sesame chicken with rice, pickled algae, a beef dish, and
this amazing Chinese pear pizza for dessert :)

How many cats do you count in this picture?!

We had such a good time laughing and visiting,
the night nearly got away from us!  It was so
interesting to hear more about their families,
China's history and culture, their religious views,
as well as their future plans. Mindy is headed to
Bucknell University in PA to study Psychology,
while Aileen is off to the University of CA
at Berkeley to study Environmental Science.
I have no doubt both of these girls will make their
mark in the world.  I am so happy to have been
their teacher this year.  I have had awesome kids :)

G'nite, y'all!

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