Friday, June 3, 2016

Day 634 Tis the season.... for parties

With AP Exams behind us, final projects complete,
and no final exams for seniors, it was time for some
serious partying before graduation- American style!

We had a Smog Apocalypse that started our Christmas break
three days early, so I never had the chance to throw a
Christmas party for my kids.  I bought peppermint candies
(no candy canes to be found this time of year) and I made
homemade Oreo cookies.  I shared with the kids what
Christmas traditions are like in my home- complete with
the Christmas tree, stockings hung on the fireplace mantle,
and two days of baking hundreds of cookies to give away.
The homemade Oreos were a big hit- as was watching
How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

They were tasked with watching the Grinch with a critical
eye, and afterward we did a psychiatric diagnosis of him.
Antisocial Personality Disorder? Seasonal Affective Disorder?
Reactive Attachment Disorder? Major Depressive Episode?
You guess!

Yep, I wore my antlers for the occasion :)

After the Christmas Party, the following day I threw a
Graduation Party for the seniors.  Last year, I bought them all
a copy of "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Suess, but this
was a different batch of kids. They were exceptionally
serious and hard working, and it is evident by their
admissions to some of the best colleges and universities
the United States has to offer.  I decided to buy Randy
Pausch's "The Last Lecture."  I wrote a personal message
inside the cover of each book, and then we watched a mini
version of the Last Lecture that appeared on Oprah. Following
that, we watched him give the commencement address to the
students of Carnegie Mellon, which turned out to be less than
two months before he passed from pancreatic cancer.
ABC Special:
Click here for: Randy Pausch giving the commencement address

In addition to the books and video clips, I explained the traditions
of high school graduation in the Midwest where I come from.
They were in awe of the concept of "open house" where we
throw a big party for our graduates. I gave examples of the
kinds of gifts graduates receive from their teachers, family,
friends, and neighbors- and lots of money!!! Receiving money
is similar to the "red envelope" tradition that occurs over the
Chinese New Year. However, they thought it seemed wrong
that teachers give gifts to their students.  In China, kids give
gifts to their teachers- I have been showered with gifts and
kind letters all week long.  Lastly, we talked about FOOD-
one of my favorite topics- and while I couldn't hold a hog
roast (as is common in Indiana), Len and I made pork BBQs,
cole slaw, corn casserole, and brownies for all of the kids.
He smuggled in most of the ingredients for me in his
suitcase when he arrived a few weeks ago.
The kids LOVED their graduation meal :) 

Ms. Betty also enjoyed the party and life lessons-
she took notes, and true to Chinese form,
lots of photos!

I <3 these kids
All of them <3

I love that I could provoke them to silliness, too :)
Stay in touch, my Chinese babies! Momma K loves you all.

G'nite, y'all!

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