Friday, June 17, 2016

China 648 The week of BNDS Graduation 2016

The last week of school for seniors was very
eventful.  Last year's graduates were all returning
to China from their freshman year in the USA, and
it was wonderful getting hugs and catching up with
them all.  This sweet girl, Mindy, just finished up
her first year of psychology studies in PA, and I
am so proud of her and her accomplishments.  Add
to the list that she got her driver's license- which you
couldn't pay me enough money to drive in the 'jing!
She handled it like a pro when we went out for
pizza before the choral concert.  I love this girl <3
These eight kids formed their own acapella group, 'Whacapella'.

Miss Ramona, on the lef,t played Belle in Beauty
and the Beast last year, and she was one of my
shining stars in AP Psychology  She plans to major
in Psychology at Boston College this fall.

Yvonne, in the center, is also heading to the
States to study psychology. I teach the most
incredible kids; really I do. I have a dream job.

My Chinese babies are like my 'kids', which
helps ease the sadness from being away from my
own kids while I am living and working abroad.
I get to be Momma K all over again, and they
are food for this empty-nester's soul.  We truly
laugh, love, learn, and grow- together.

The week of BNDS graduation was full of activities; one of
which was a Senior Brunch and Awards program.  Interestingly,
the awards really weren't for the students- it was for the students
to present hand written letters and gifts of thanks for their teachers.
Various groups performed one last time in front of their classmates,
and we played some rousing games between teachers and staff :)

Students and staff all carried in food, and it was a perfect
blend of East meets West.  Nothing will bring a group of
people together like sharing memories and laughter over
a plateful of food.  I love Miss Ginger, and she was
trying her English teacher's bruschetta for the first time.

My favorite student performance...
...a group of seniors playing cups and singing 'Gone'.


To the left you see Cameron, the AP Director, who the
kids affectionately call "Mr. Ta-Ta".  The crazy thing about
this whole morning is while teachers and seniors were in
the cafeteria for an all morning celebration, the underclassmen
were back in our classrooms, unsupervised, studying for final
exams- all on their own.  Nobody burnt the school down,
nobody pulled any crazy antics because the teachers were away.
I returned to my classroom to find my juniors, all with their
heads in their books- STUDYING.  I told you- dream job!

A game of beach volleyball in the cafeteria-
teachers and students? Why not!

By Friday afternoon, the big moment had arrived- the
graduation ceremony.  Sadly, not all students had their
parents in attendance as many of our kid's hometowns
are in provinces far, far away. In a way, the Chinese
and Western teachers are their surrogate parents.
I was very proud of Jason, one of my kids, who did
the translating of the Headmistress' address to graduates.

Traditional Chinese music was played as student's names were called.

My friend, Kevin, the AP Physics teacher and boys basketball
coach was asked to speak to graduates, too.  He offered them
some words of advice for heading to college- funny stuff!

One of my student's Michael, presented the school with a
beautiful piece of 3D art that he designed for the new building.
He talked of his years of education with BNDS, that grounded
him with the knowledge he needs to be successful, but which
also gave him the courage and wings to fly into this world.
Such a great kid, that Michael. He and I have a special relationship.

I look at this photo and I get tears
in my eyes as I type this.  I am so
proud of Ginger- the HARDEST
working girl I know, who wants
nothing more than to please her
parents and teachers. I treasure her <3

Ms. Betty, the Headmistress and I in our
traditional Chinese dresses for the occasion :)

BNDS has a partnership with Wasatch Academy
in Utah, so that our kids also receive a diploma
from a US high school. This helps ease their
admissions to US universities- that, and their
ridiculously high SAT scores!
Miss Kennie is also studying psychology next year :)

Annie is pursuing Psychology at the University
of Toronto in Canada.  We filled out her class
schedule this week and she got all of her requests :)
I must admit, I am jealous of her schedule- she
is going to have an incredible first semester of school.

Leo was one of my students last year, but I swear, each and
every day this year I would pass him in the hallway, and he
never failed to greet me with a smile and a 'Hello, Ms. McDaniel!'

These are my A2 Psychology kids (from the Cambridge diploma
program) four of whom are pursuing Psychology...these kids are
headed to CA, PA, WI, NC, UK-London, Toronto, and U of Sydney.

I am so proud of Gabby-girl, on the left, who gained
admission for Psychology at Wake Forest University.
Lisa, on the right, is pursing studies in economics
in London. She was at the top of her class- so smart.
She is considering study in behavioral economics :)

I <3 these girls!

I am so happy that Seraph is headed to the
University of Wisconsin-Madison to study
Psychology and Education.  The Midwest will
suit this kind-hearted soul just perfectly. 

After graduation, Rob performed an acoustic set
during the Senior Art Exhibition for students and parents.

As I was leaving campus after a full day of
graduation activities, with gifts in hand, I was
stopped by Sunrain (I love these Chinese babies
names!) for one last photo.  I had Sunrain in AP
Psychology last year, and she was my TA this
year.  She is an incredibly talented young lady
who is headed to UCLA to pursue Film Studies.
She does incredible work in film already.
Like so many, many others, she has a very bright
future ahead of her. I am one proud Momma K!

G'nite, y'all!

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