Tuesday, June 7, 2016

China 638 Gaokao birthday

Today's my birthday!  I thought the school was gracious
enough to post a Happy Birthday sign for me outside the
gate.  It was not meant to be, today is the first day of
Gaokao- the most important test a Chinese national student
will ever take.  It literally determines their future- which
college they are 'invited to attend' based upon their test
scores, or whether they will carry a shovel or pick ax the
rest of their life.  I can't imagine the pressure.

It was like walking through mayhem to get
through the campus gate.  Parents and
grandparents and kids were everywhere.

Many parents wore matching shirts and carried
signs, cheering and chanting as their child
entered the school grounds. It was crazy y'all!
You'd think it was a sendoff for the state
basketball championship in Hoosier Hysteria-land.

Oh, good Lord.  They even had medical personnel on
standby for those kids who became overcome with anxiety.
(In all fairness, while this is a 'most important test', the
Chinese can border a little on the histrionic side ;)

This was the scene all afternoon. Parents and grandparents
sat outside the school grounds, filling the street and sidewalks
while their beloved was in there sweating it out. You see,
the adult's future depends on the outcome, too-
it's the Chinese way.

By day's end, the crowd had quadrupled in size, and there
was extra security in place.  If you are interested if YOU
could pass the gaokao, read this article with sample
test questions here: Could-you-pass-the-Chinese-Gaokao?
Let me just say I can't even decipher the math questions.
No. Clue. Whatsoever.  I choose vanilla.

As I walked through the crowd to make my way home for
my birthday celebration, I had to wonder how many kids
share in my birthday. If so, taking this National College
Entrance Exam was their birthday gift this year. Poor kids.
Lucky for me, my love had prepared stuffed
peppers, Mexican style with refried beans,
avocado and cilantro.  Oh. my, goodness. gracious.

Happy Birthday to me!

G'nite, y'all!

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