Saturday, June 11, 2016

Day 639-641 Lamma love

The night before our trip, we went to my
favorite German restaurant here in the 'jing.
Skeet, I promise to take you here when you visit.  I must
admit, however, I have never found any sauerkraut, anywhere,
that is as good as what you make in the crock.  Can you smuggle a
jar for me in your suitcase when you come in September?!
Early the next morning we were on the airplane for a
nonstop flight to Hong Kong and Lamma Island for
Dragon Boat Festival and an extended birthday holiday!
I do love flying. Anywhere. Anytime.
I never tire of the blue sky and beautiful clouds :)
Through customs...
A thirty minute train ride on the shuttle express, and soon
we were in the CBD and Victoria Harbor. 
We walked right on to the next ferry bound for Lamma Island.
Easy-peasy.  Plane.  Train.  Boat.  I like it!
The sky looked a little foreboding, but the dock was all
decorated for the weekend's festivities...
Racing Dragon Boats!
We stayed at Concerto Inn, same place I was at a few months
ago.  It is right on the only beach on the island.  Take note,
Wanetta, we'll be staying here over Golden Week, too.
The next morning dawned sunny and beautiful. We had a
most delicious breakfast (included!) and headed straight
for the beach.  We had no agenda, and no where to be.
We spent the entire day there; bobbing in the water, solving all
the world's problems (and a few of our own), and playing in the waves. 

I am contemplating past, present, and future... my happy place :)

Happiest Girl in Hong Kong!

By mid-afternoon we were feeling a bit 'ouchy'
from all the sun, so we decided to walk to the
nearest village for a snack :)

We watched the local supply ship offload all
of it's cargo to the locals, who were waiting
with their bicycles and dock carts.  This
island is only bike and foot paths- no cars :)

Along the way I stopped by Nick the Bookman,
to see if he sold the book I had given him a few
months ago. That might have been a mistake...

Soon he had Len cornered with tall tales of various conspiracy theories.

Dr. Olsen, the philosopher, held his own just fine.
Nick the Bookman didn't know what hit him, lol.

We had a samosas snack before we went back
to the Inn.  I love this Indian restaurant, and
we had a lively conversation with the owner.
We went back to the beach for about another
hour, but getting back into the saltwater it
became evident that we had scorched ourselves.

Before sundown, the predicted rain showers
came in, and I was the happiest girl ever
letting the cold rain dampen down the
sunburn.  I will stick my hair in the rain,
or a waterfall, every. single. time. :)

The following day it rained off and on most of the day.
I still wanted to hike to the other side of the island, but
that really wasn't wise.  I had only recently gotten off
the crutches and I didn't need to risk re-injuring my knee.
In spite of the passing rain showers, the junk ships
continued to fish and work their nets in the bay.
It was interesting to watch.  They must have been doing
well, as the captain continued to reset in the same place.

I walked back down to the bay to see if I could get a closer look.

The rain stopped as the sun was beginning to set.
We intended to eat in at the Inn's restaurant, since we had
such a lazy relaxing day. However, we both were jonesin'
for a proper burger and they were sold out.  The front desk
clerk said the best burgers on the island were at Lamma Grill,
and was she ever right. Wanetta, add this place to the list!

The weather was not cooperating the next morning either,
so plans to hike to the Fisherman's Village and the other
side of the island got scrapped.  Wanetta, are you taking notes?
There is a beautiful hike in our future :)
Before long, it was time to board the ferry, to catch the
train, to catch the plane, to go back to Beijing.

Goodbye, Hong Kong!

Until next time <3

G'nite, y'all!

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