Sunday, May 29, 2016

China 629 He's here!

I got this photo from my love while I was getting ready for
bed last night...he was in Zurich on his way to the 'jing!
I took off Friday morning to get him from PEK-
I barely slept a wink last night.

If I can't be home with him in Florida,
second best is having him 'home' here with me :)

We took to being lazy on Saturday, the air
wasn't so great anyhow.  By Sunday, we were
ready to go play some frisbee in Sculpture Park.

Nice catch, Dr. Olsen!

Oooh, soooo fancy!

It was a picture perfect afternoon, and I
worked up quite a sweat...and acquired a few
bruises, too. I don't have the same skill set, lol.

We walked about the neighborhood, and watched
the old guys playing Chinese checkers.  It's not
the same game of Chinese checkers I played as a kid.

We stopped by the weird fish and flower market across from
the north apartments.  

We talked about the possibility of one day having a salt water
tank. I would love some tropical reef fish in my living room!

We were on the hunt for some fresh
herb plants like basil or cilantro,
but we struck out.  Instead, we ended
 up at the little dumpling place for some
shuijiao for a late afternoon snack- delish!

All I know is that I instantly feel better
having Len around. Like the Jack Johnson
song we love so well, "Better Together" <3

I'm looking forward to this next month in the 'jing- Stay tuned!

G'nite, y'all!

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