Monday, May 9, 2016

China 609 Summer Palace and climb time

I sent Stephanie and the kids to Summer Palace
on their last day here to explore on their own.
I had to work, my knee was severely swollen
and hurting, and it is an easy subway ride to
get there and back.  They had been on and off
public transport for over a week, and I was
confident in their skills to not get lost and to
find their way back home okay :)

They had a fun day exploring the beautiful buildings,
walking the long corridor, and taking a boat ride on Kumming Lake.

Again, beautiful views of Chinese architecture at every turn.

They got to see the impressive marble boat, which is
better than the one in Tianjin.

We are all water babies, so anytime there is swimming or
a boat ride involved, it's going to be a good day!


They had a wee blip in getting back home since
they exited from a different gate, but they
figured it out without incident- so
proud of my Beijing Explorers!

Because their new friends and classmates were all broken up
and sad over their leaving last week, they decided to stop
in for a final surprise visit and goodbye before leaving tomorrow.
They had sacks of candy to pass out to their new friends.
They were again welcomed with squeals of joy!

I am so thankful for their educational and cultural experience
at Jian Hua Experimental Primary School. It was perfect :)

After school, they had a final play date with
their new friend, Zach, and Milan- one of
our PE instructors that hails from the Czech
Republic.  He is a climbing instructor, and
BNDS has a most impressive climbing wall!

It is over five stories tall! That is Eli,
scaling his way to the top :)

Ava scurried up in no time!

My teacher friend, Alejandra got in on the action, too.

She's so fancy :)

No matter what route Milan gave them,
the kids climbed up to the challenge!

Ava was in her happy place :)  Namaste!

After the third trip up, and the most challenging yet,
Elijah was worn out and ready for a snack!

We never made it to the market place behind my
apartments, so we stopped in for a donkey
burger for an after school snack.
Eli loved the donkey burgers, which really
are not a burger at all.  It's more like a
pastrami (shaved meat) seasoned with
green peppers and served on a flat bread.

The shop keeper was very proud and pleased that
the little Western kid enjoyed his donkey burgers!

As the day came to a close, the water fountain in my apartment
complex was turned on for the first time this season. It was
the perfect backdrop for a last photo of the kids in China.
Tonight we pack, and tomorrow they fly home.
I will be in the very next cab on my way to the hospital.
They done wore Mimi out!!! lol

I have to say though, I couldn't have asked for a better time with my grandkids.
It was soothing food for an aching soul.  To be with my good friend, Stephanie,
someone from home who knows me well (and loves me anyhow) was also much
 needed. So often I am simply in 'survival mode' here in China, to have visitors
from home will buoy me for months. I look forward to next year's visitors :)
(hint, hint, people!!!)

I love you guys, from the bottom of my heart,
thank you for coming to China <3

G'nite, y'all!

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