Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day 242 Psychology nerds :)

We are wrapping at all (already!) in AP Psychology class.  AP exams begin this coming Monday, May 4th, and Psychology always tests on the first day.  I had given this assignment to students two weeks ago, when we were studying cognition and memory.  This particular lesson was on the difference between convergent (lineal) thinking and divergent (creative) thinking.  I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking....I continue to be awestruck by these kids' abilities.

So they were tasked with "Finishing the Picture" as you see in the middle
of the top row.  They could complete the picture any way they wanted,
but it had to be on  the original sheet of paper given to them.  

This one was a cast member in Beauty & the Beast :)

A bit of Chinese propaganda....I am thinking this one's
daddy is a Party Member?  She gave a complete
description of her picture on the back.  This is a
common poster that hangs in the hallways of
primary schools here in China.  interesting.

This one made a review sheet of the Immune System for
her science class.  Her AP Biology teacher was so proud!

So we're having a contest, and students are
voting on the 'most creative pictures'.  The
winners will receive extra credit points (not
that they need it).  It's funny, you give Chinese
kids an opportunity to vote on something,
and they were lined up in the hallway, lol. I had to
print more ballots!  Stay tuned for the winners :)

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