Friday, April 24, 2015

Day 237 the last of Harvard

Well if last night's gastrointestinal feast was not enough, on Friday, we
were treated to a lesson in traditional Chinese gastronomy at school.
We were invited to the 'secret dining room' on campus where a
Chinese feast fit for royalty (or Party members) was spread before us.
The food was BY FAR the most delicious I have had here in Beijing.

At Betty's urging, I even tried the 100 year old eggs- that would be
the diced green stuff on top of a rice tofu.  I can't say I will ever
eat a 100 year old egg ever again.  I prefer my eggs fresh, thank you
very much.  They were a weird gelatinous texture. And very green.

Michael, one of our Chinese counterpart teachers, and Betty, the International
Department Headmaster, gave us quite the lesson on traditional Chinese
foods.  We had SO MUCH FOOD to eat.  It was incredible.  After we
had stuffed ourselves silly, they brought out a huge plate of dumplings, too.
Michael told us that dumplings are always served last at a meal, to "fill
any empty places that are left."  I thought that was what ice cream was for!
To me, dumplings are the main course- shows how little I know.
And to think I have been living in China for eight months already ;)

I said my final goodbyes at the end of the work day on
Friday.  It was an exhilarating and exhausting week for
me.  Still battling sickness, and hanging with kids
who are 20-30 years my junior was about more than I
could take.  With that said though, I can't wait to be an
International Teacher Mentor next year :)  I used to
supervise grad students at BSU years ago, and I was
reminded again of what a rewarding experience it can be.
Aaaaand I got this cool coaster from Harvard University!
G'nite, y'all!

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