Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day 236 To market, to market

After school on Thursday, 4/23, I took the Harvard kids on a subway trip across town to the Silk Market.  They needed some Chinese trinkets to take home to friends and family.

John nearly got more than he bargained for; he had this
young lady taking the money right out of his wallet!
If he had stayed any longer, I am certain she would
have proposed.  They were both flirting unabashedly ;)

Julia scored on some orange pants (only in 'the China' can you get orange pants!),
Matt got some "Ray Bans", I got some "Toms" and we all worked up quite
the appetite.  On to the next market- Wafujing Night Market....

Anybody down for a bowl of tripe?
(Cow's stomach lining)
What?!  No takers???

How about some sort of birds- heads, feet, beaks and all?!
This guy was doing a brisk business, too.  Ewww.

Maybe some scorpions? Grasshoppers? A juicy grub???
There were no takers for the seahorses or starfish, either.
Instead, we feasted ourselves on platefuls of dumplings- YUM!
As the night wore on, the streets filled up, and the stench was a tad overwhelming.

We busted back out on to the main drag not a moment too
soon.  Candied pineapple, ice cream, and assorted
other good things to eat, our bellies were in full
blown rebellion.  Thank goodness there was a KFC nearby!
(No, we didn't eat the chicken)

Just one more day of teaching left, and we will say our goodbyes to the Harvard kids.  On Saturday they are in for a full day of touring Beijing, Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, and more.  Not this Momma; she needs to rest up!  It's been a whirlwind week for sure :)

G'nite, y'all!

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