Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day 229 Spring training :)

Spring has sprung, and my office mate Carlos is a rabid
Yankees fan.  We have a good time giving each other a
hard time about our respective teams (my heart is with
the Cubbies :)  Carlos came to school decked out in his
Yankee finery, pinstripe pants and all, as he was giving
a presentation to all of the 10th grade boys about
American baseball.  They loved it, though it would
 have been hard for them to not be enthused as Carlos
 is PASSIONATE when he talks about the Yankees!!!

Spring has most definitely sprung here in Beijing, as is evident by all of the flowering trees and blooms you see, and the birds you now hear in the trees.  The city is waking up from her COLD winter slumber, and it is glorious!  I seriously am the happiest girl in China to no longer be dressed in layers and having my fingers going numb several times a day.  I smile on my walk to and from school every day....because this is what I see....

OMG!! Lilacs in China?!  My absolute favorite!!!!!

If I can't look out and see the blue of the ocean, my
second favorite is to be able to see green.
To see such bright green against a BLUE SKY
here in Beijing, China, is heavenly. Truly :)))
To walk into my apartment and smell lilacs, and to
have the windows open to clean, fresh spring
breezes...happiest girl in China right here :)
And wouldn't you know, just yesterday, the day AFTER I removed the tape
 from around all of my windows, we had the biggest sandstorm of the season! 
The AQI hit 808, not because of pollution, but because of all the sand
particles in the air.  Crazy talk.  I've never seen anything like it.
The Chinese are hardy stock; they think nothing of
it to cover up and go on about their business.  In my 10
minute walk home, I was so pelted with sand on my
face, hair, and everything else, I walked straight to
the shower the minute I hit the door.  I hunkered
down the rest of the evening, sitting at my little
window seat, watching and listening to the wind HOWL
and seeing the sand swirl all about in the streets.
The good news was the storm blew through overnight,
and the AQI was down to just 29 today!!!  PTL!

The warmer weather has brought people out once again, and the city
is alive with street vendors, construction workers, and people just
generally being outside enjoying the sunshine and warmth.  It has
been in the 70's all week, and we had our first 80 degree day on Tuesday.
This father and daughter were enjoying a game of badminton in the courtyard. 

I love seeing all of the nai nai out with their bao bei enjoying each other's
company in the sun.  That is my school in the background.
I am happy the vendors are back out selling their
produce, for mere pennies on the dollar.  Look
how they cut their pineapples to sell- so pretty!
I gave him 10y, which is less than $2.00, and he
tried to insist that I take three of his pineapples!
In my best game of charades, I told him I only
wanted one, and I wanted him to keep the change :)
Of course, the Chinese ride bicycles all year round, for
many it is their only mode of transportation unless they
take the subway or bus.  But now that the weather is
even nicer?  So. Many. Bicycles. Everywhere.

And true to China form, if your flowers aren't yet
blooming, you fill your yard with plastic or silk ones. I
crack up every time I pass this place on my way to the store!

Nothing says 'warmer weather' like an ice cream
cone from McDonald's- ice cream on a green
tea cone, that is.  It's the Chinese way.

Spring had this stray dog running around our apartment
complex.  She is so skinny and is obviously nursing
puppies somewhere.  I have named her "Simonette"
as she reminds me of my Simon back home.  I
feed her treats every time I see her.  God love her.

Unlike this dog, who has never missed a meal, or
a hair appointment.  This is ALSO the Chinese way.
How can  you not smile and laugh at a pink poodle?!

I look forward to seeing the old folks out
dancing in the parks and courtyards.  However,
it looks as if this may be changing.  I read
things like this and I am reminded that I
do live in a country now with a very
political system.
Americans are so blessed, and too many
of us take it for granted, far too often.

And just like in Indiana, the cottonwood begins to fly from the trees
in the spring time.  Being sick this last week with a viral infection,
and being a sneezy mess with the cottonwood flying, I have not
looked or felt my best, for sure.

I finally relented and went to see a new family doctor here
in Beijing.  It was a gorgeous afternoon to be navigating
my way to the east side.  Dr. Bei Dong was awesome :)
She spent over an hour with me.  I learned she did her
post-doc work in Kentucky, which was fine with her.
She is from the Shaanxi province, which is more 'country'
than city.  She called herself a "Chinese Redneck!"
That cracked me up, and I knew we would get along just fine :)
I left with all of that personalized attention and four
prescriptions, and I paid 270y; less than $40 bucks.  
As I returned to campus from my doctor's appointment, the
busses were lined up dropping off all of the National
primary school kiddies.  They had been on a school wide
field trip.  In spite of feeling sick, having a fever, and
no voice- to hear there little Mandarin chittering
and laughter, it made me smile inside.  So cute.
As I walked home from school at the end of the day,
the preschool in neighborhood was just letting out.
This little cutie patootie stopped to pose for me.
Oh. My. Heart.  She made my day :)))

Seeing a sweet child's innocent smile is the very
best medicine for this sick girl. Thank-you, doll baby :)

Tell me, what does spring look like in your neighborhood?
Take a moment to smell the flowers, breathe in the
fresh air, put your face to the sun, and revel in the blue sky.
God is good. Life is good.  Really, it is, even when you are feeling sick.

G'nite, y'all!

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