Saturday, April 25, 2015

Day 238 Beauty and the Beast

I slept in Saturday morning (Thank you, Jesus!) then walked over to the
campus 'free store' for some supplies.  It was a beautiful morning,
and the teacher's apartments must have all decided to hang their bedding
out along the school fences and equipment for some fresh air, lol.

The school's soccer field was turned in to a baseball practice field.  I love
 that my PE friend, Ray (from Canada) is introducing the Chinese kids
to Western sports.  Earlier in the spring he taught them all playing American
football, (which they loved!) and now they are on to baseball. They have
 little opportunity for sports here  at BNDS, as they are so focused on their 
academics.   The Science Department chair (Kevin, from Texas), also coaches a 
boy's basketball team and they just wrapped up another successful season.  They 
do not have an organized school sanctioned sports program here, it seems to be more
 like intramural league play.  Nonetheless, the kids love playing sports :)  I watched
 Ray pitch  to the kids and coach them in their stance and swing.  It was fun!  I
loved watching my own kids participate in school sports when they were growing up.

This was one of my AP Psyc kids at bat- I think I made him nervous :/

I ran in to three of my AP Psyc kids on my way to the 'free store'. (Have I told you that our school gives us a card with 2500y on it (each semester) to cover our school lunches, groceries, snacks and supplies at the convenience store?  Hence, we call it the 'free store'!  So many perks to this job!) Jackie, Mindy, and Kennie are all in the musical, Beauty and the Beast.  They have been rehearsing six days a week for nearly three months.  Last night was opening night and they were still flying high from the applause!  Bringing live theater to BNDS is a major undertaking, involving twenty staff volunteers and over 100 student volunteers.  They took over the school gymnasium, and turned it in to a Disney-worthy production. The show runs this weekend, and they sold out all 900 tickets.  I can't wait to see them tonight.  

Cookie was adorable as she and two other girls flitted around
Gaston trying to win his attention and affection.  This
girl's character cracked me up- she played it perfectly!

I hate this one is blurry; Belle was spot on and had the
voice of an angel.  All of the costumes were gorgeous.
Juana, our French teacher single-handedly sewed all
of the principal character's costumes herself- unreal.
The Beast's costume was incredible.  The school
spared no expense in this production.  I was in awe.
There were no 'Goodwill' costumes in this show!

Miss Potts! (aka Mindy :)  This sweet girl welcomed me with open arms at
the beginning of school.  When she found out I was missing my Friday night
pizza nights, she took it upon herself to send me a lengthy email of all the
pizza places relatively close to our neighborhood.  She included directions
in Mandarin and English, maps, subway routes, and instructions for a
taxi driver.  If that wasn't enough, she included she and her mother's
cell phone numbers just in case I got lost.  She stole my <3 months ago.

She also has a beautiful voice, and is planning to go to
college in Pennsylvania this coming fall to study
Psychology.  She will make a wonderful therapist.
I am so proud of her- really!
I wish I could have taken pictures of the set, it was also beautiful.  The art department donated their talents to building and painting the stage, and it was unbelievable.  We couldn't take pictures during the performance, but they had a professional photographer take photos during their final dress rehearsal.  I can't wait to show them to you.  Words can't describe the extravagance of it all. This was the school's second production- last year they did Fiddler on the Roof for their very first show.  I can't imagine just delving in to live theater with these two massive productions.  All the credit goes to Liz (choral instructor), Stephanie (drama instructor) and Paige (dance instructor).  These kids are all crazy talented in their own right, but these three ladies brought out the very best in all of them.  I don't think I ever stopped smiling the entire night!  I would loved to get involved with them next year.... maybe we could bring a Chinese version of Headin' for a Weddin' for a fall play?!  Chinese hillbillies?!  That would be hysterical!  (I directed this show at Shenandoah High School and Guyer Opera House years ago).  After the final curtain call and congratulations to all around, it was time for this girlie to call it a night.
G'nite, y'all!

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