Friday, February 17, 2017

Day 914 Canoeing, with 437 ALLIGATORS!!!

On my very last day, when I probably should have been doing
laundry and packing, Len and I decided to go canoeing.

He wanted to take me to Fisheating Creek, not far from our home.
I packed us a lunch, while he loaded up the canoe and gear.

As he was backing up and getting ready to unload...

I was staring at THIS GUY right across from the launch ramp!

Thus began my day on Fisheating Creek.
Which I was a little concerned that it would become Karyneating
Creek.  I mean, there WERE warning signs, and they were BIG.
And there's not much free board on a canoe....

...which, with one 'too excited' move,
it could easily tip over!
I was much more comfortable on
the wide open water...
...but for much of the day this was my view...
swampy, gator country, with a gator around every bend.
They are so stealth the way they silently slide into the water!
It creeped me out.  Though the water at times was only
a few feet knew they were down there as we
 had just scared them off the bank- Yikes!!!

At times we had to get out and portage the canoe-
Double Yikes!!!

We found a sandy spot that seemed gator-free for our picnic.
Salami, cheese, avocados and bread hit the spot!
We enjoyed our sunny spot....until I didn't.  I heard a rustling
in the tall grass, then the most God awful squealing/crying
sounds.  Len said it was a snake constricting a frog.
He used to raise snakes.  Dear God in Heaven!
I was back in the canoe in no time flat!!!

I had to admit, it was a bit unsettling seeing all of the turkey
vultures roosting in the trees.  What is this place???

And though you cannot really tell by this photo, this was the
biggest, baddest gator of the day, at least a 12 footer,
just as we were getting ready to pull out. Geesh!

Nothing like ending my vacation with some serious adventure!

Tomorrow morning, I fly back to the 'jing, where at least
I am not confronted with vultures, alligators, and snakes-
just spitting and squatting in the streets.

G'nite, y'all!

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