Friday, February 3, 2017

Day 899 CNY in Florida; Road trip with Ellie!

After nearly two weeks of working on the house, and Ellie being
tied up with her job as a news reporter and having company of her
own in Ft. Myers, we finally got together for a girls day out!
I didn't care what we did or where we went, it just felt good
to be out on the open road, windows down, country music on
the radio :)  Ahh, 'Murica!!!  She had a special day planned for us :)
We were going horseback riding near Lake Okeechobee!
Savannah, our adorable guide, got Ellie all
saddled up on Dolly :)

She and Dolly were best buds....
this pic cracks me up!

My girl was Blondie, a 17 year old rescue horse,
and the horse Savannah grew up with.
She was the sweetest girl <3

Miss Dolly was Stanley incarnate!  Stanley
was the horse Ellie road to the bottom of the
Grand Canyon when she was seven years old
on a family vacation. Stanley knew he had a
sucker on his back, he couldn't go twenty paces
without snacking.  Dolly liked to rest and snack,
too- Ellie said Dolly was her spirit animal, lol.

This was my view all. day. long.  I loved it :)

Say cheese!
Blondie and I have similar backsides, lol.

Happy Momma :)
If you look closely, you'll see an armadillo up ahead.  I counted six that day!

Savannah was adorable....she told stories of her high school,
growing up a local girl in redneck country, where the boys hunted
wild hogs on the weekend. She is the reigning Miss Rodeo queen,
and worked as a ranch hand for a year.  She was paid poorly and
working 14 hour days, so she recently returned home to help her
Momma with their own horse ranch and trail riding business.
I love a girl that drives a stick shift dually diesel truck,
pulling a trailer full of horses, just like a pro! Go Savannah!

It looked like bush country, which was beautiful in its own way.

Blondie insisted on being the lead, and she never missed a
turn- the old gal has been on this trail a time or two :)

I loved hearing her rescue story, and she must
have known I am a sucker for hard luck stories
of children and animals...we were fast friends <3

Elliebug is always ready for riding horses-
she did that a lot at her friend Karlee's growing up.
Thank you for a lovely day, sister.
Your momma loves you always <3

(and it was a much needed break from house projects!)

G'nite, y'all!

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