Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Day 912 Six Mile Cypress 2/15

Len and I worked ourselves half to death while
I was home for CNY.  With just three days remaining
in Florida, we had to make a final run to Home Depot
for more building materials. Ellie had told us about a
nature preserve with a one mile boardwalk.  It
happened to be just down the road from Home Depot,
so we decided to go for a walk and act like a couple!
(Ok, I decided we needed to go for a walk and
damn straight we're going to act like a couple in love!!!)

Six Mile Cypress was even more beautiful than Audubon's
Corkscrew Swamp I had visited earlier with Ellie.
I loved the quotes along the boardwalk <3
Preach it- this is my kind of sanctuary!

I was able to impress Len with my fantastic
birding skills learned earlier in the week...
E is for (snowy) Egret.
Not really, he has lived in Florida for years!

A is for Alligator and R is for Redbelly Turtle

G is for Green Heron
I is for Ibis
It was a beautiful walk, until it wasn't.

D is for Dusky-Pygmy Rattlesnake.
Oh. Dear. God. It was no pygmy.

I should know my tropical plants, but I don't.
Ellie had finished covering her story on Sanibel Island, so it was an unexpected treat to meet for lunch.  I had a serious craving for Chinese food (I go 'home' in three days!) so we all met at Panda Express.  It was delish :)  After we said our goodbyes, it was off to Home Depot to buy more hardiboard siding for the hallway in the lanai, and a new storm door.  It's coming together!

Tomorrow night we are having our neighbors Deb & Ed over for Mexican food (Ellie is coming to spend the night), then I am down to Friday, my last day in Florida.  Len says he has something in mind for Friday, that does not involve a paintbrush, screwdriver, or saw.  What could it be???

Stay tuned...

G'nite, y'all!

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