Saturday, December 17, 2016

Day 852 Day 1 in Guilin, South China

On Friday it was announced that Beijing was issued a Red Alert
for smog beginning at 8pm that evening.  This meant that the
AQI is expected to go over 300 (extremely hazardous) and
 stay there through Wednesday, 12/21.  It slays me that the
government can 'predict' the pollution, but they can't 'control' it.
This was on my walk across campus to may not be
able to see it here, but I could tell the haze was beginning to roll in.
The blue sky gets smothered in a yellow/brown/gray filth :(
Since I had an unexpected extended weekend, I did
something super spontaneous and booked a flight out
of Beijing Saturday morning!  Have backpack, will travel :)
This is what the tarmac at PEK was looking like at an AQI 289.
I just checked my phone, and tonight it is up to 428. Those poor people :(

This is where I'm headed to- Guilin, So. China- land of the Li River,
ethnic minority villages, limestone mountains, and rice terraces!
Though it was overcast, the temperature was a
balmy 65 degrees- and I SEE PALM TREES!!!

It was nearly 5pm by the time I checked in to my hotel, the
Guilin Tailian Hotel.  It's in a perfect location for exploring,
it's a four star (for $40/night) and breakfast is included.
This is my home away from home for the next three days!

I quickly made reservations with the concierge
for the Li River cruise tomorrow, and the rice
terrace and villages for Tuesday. I want to explore
on my own for Monday- there is so much here to see :)
I set out to explore the area to get my bearings
as it was nearly dusk.  My hotel is about a ten
minute walk from Elephant Trunk Hill, aka
Xiangbishan Park.  It's a beautiful area of
geological formations along the Li River. It
looks like I will head there on Monday.
As I was circling a lake area looking at options
for dinner, the sky lit up beside me and all of
a sudden I was awestruck!  

It seems I stumbled in to the Riyue Shuangta
Cultural Park, and these two towers are called
the Sun and Moon Pagodas :)

I haven't been here two hours, and I already
feel myself getting back to happy :)

The lights reflecting on the lake were gorgeous.
For a moment, it almost felt a little bit like Christmas.
It's hard to 'do' Christmas in China.
Not a block from my hotel is a huge pedestrian street
with all the shopping and restaurants to choose from.
Many vendors were selling jackfruit.  They can
get over 50 lbs large!  I am going to finally try one
this trip- I just didn't tonight. I have to pace myself ;)

Starfruit must be in season, too, as they
were also being sold everywhere.  Len told
me yesterday that our starfruit tree at home
is loaded.  I hope it still has fruit in another
34 days, 13 hours, and 28 minutes...
but who's counting?!

Not three doors down from my hotel is a movie theater, and
The Great Wall with Matt Damon just started playing last night.
I know what I'm doing tomorrow night!  Getting American made
movies, in English, is a rarity in China- only 43 foreign films
are allowed in China per year- fun fact. 

When I got back from my walkabout, mapping
out my food, entertainment, and sightseeing for
the next several days, I squealed with delight when
I walked in my bathroom.  I have a DEEP TUB!
I don't even know the last time I sunk my nose in a
bubble bath. I feel the stress releasing at the very
thought of it. I've got an early wake up call in the
morning for my Li River cruise. I can't wait!

G'nite, y'all!

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