Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Waikiki Beach Day 2 8/18/15

Ellie and I met with the concierge in the morning,
and got our plans laid out for the week.
Today was a beach day!

Ellie and I are both the travel planners, and a wee bit anal
about making a schedule and filling in the calendar.  The
fact that Tyler had a blank activity calendar to map out our
week's activities?!  Let's just say we're going to get along
swimmingly with Tyler, lol.  We are booked for the week!

Today was Waikiki beach, a ten minute walk from our
hotel, where we had a beautiful view of Diamond Head...


and little old ladies with nifty sun shades!  

No beach day is complete without at least one selfie...

or a photo of a beautiful Bug in the ocean :)

As beautiful as it was looking out over the ocean, or down
the beach to Diamond Head, it was just as beautiful looking
up through the trees from our beach sheet.  (This beach sheet
has been with me all of my life.  It was the sheets that were
on the bed I slept in up at my Grandma's house in Michigan.
These sheets then went with me to my college dorm room,
through two marriages and divorces, five kids, grandkids,
and all the trips we took to beaches all over the world.
I'm a sentimental fool, that way. I love to take Grandma with
me to the beach. She and I would drink margaritas :)

The trees and foliage were beautiful, too, as
we walked through Fort Derussy Beach Park
on our way back to the hotel.  We were cooked!

On Tyler's recommendation, we went to a Thai place for dinner.
I had a delicious chicken and pineapple curry...

While Ellen had some four alarm dish- whew!
We decided to walk off the coconut ice cream and sticky
rice dessert, by a stroll further down Waikiki.  We went
past the Moana SurfRider Hotel, the only original hotel
left standing on Waikiki Beach.

We came upon the statue of "The Duke"-
as in Duke Kahanamoku- the surf champion.

I snapped a pick of my first born lovely :)
...then a pic of my second born lovely :)
And they snapped a photo of their momma by an outrigger canoe.
(I have to get my toes in the sand and my a$$ near a boat-
any old boat will do, lol)

And then we watched some hula dancers in the setting sun.

But this was my favorite shot of the day; the setting sun shining on
all the rental surfboards that had been returned at the end of the day :)

We called it an early night, as tomorrow the big adventures begin...

G'nite, y'all!

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