Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hawaii Day 4 Hiking to Manoa Falls & Hawaiian Luau 8/20/15

Day Four was another Hawaiian adventure-
a trip on a city bus, a trek through a neighborhood
to find a path, to hike up through a rain forest,
to see a waterfall.  My kind of day!

My hiking buddies :)

It's difficult to appreciate how HUGE these
trees were- see my baby girl?

bamboo cool.

HUGE trees!

See Emily and I?! This rain forest was like a scene out of Jurassic Park!
We half expected to see dinosaurs come crashing through the jungle!

Such a beautiful hike.  I LOVED IT.

It was quite the hike up and a bit muddy and slippery along the way.
We eventually heard water rushing.....
Our view from the boulders we sat on while
we had our picnic lunch :)

I couldn't wait to get in!
My view looking up, up, UP!

I will NEVER pass up an opportunity to
put my head, or my whole big self,
in to a waterfall :)
Happiest girl in Hawaii :)
C'mon in girls, the water is awesome!


As I sat with the sun on my back and watched
and listened to the girls playing on the rocks
in the water, I was taken back twenty years.
The rest of the pictures tell the same story
to this day...Little Sissy leading Big Sissy,
telling her where to step and leading the way :)


Ta-dah!!!  Adorable <3

My Peaches, my Ellie Bug.  I have the best girls :)

Such a huggable buggable <3
We got home just in time to wash off the mud,
throw on a dress and head out the door!

We had a bus to catch to go to Paradise Cove for a luau!

My lovelies <3
We had a couple of hours to enjoy the Hawaiian festivities
before dinner was served.  We started with mai tai's and tattoos!

tats :)

We opted to not take a family bird photo...six birds in all!

There was spear throwing, some sand games
and such, but we decided to braid a headband :)
Emily thought it was going so well, until
the old Hawaiian guy promptly took it from
her hands to say she did it all wrong!

What a cool keepsake; I wore mine on the
plane ride back to Beijing :)

While the girls were braiding, I joined in
on the shower of was beautiful.

Then I braided, too.

You could also paddle around in an outrigger canoe, or
cast and pull fishing nets.  They got a group of men to do
a tribal dance to bless the bounty from the sea.
It didn't work- their nets came up empty, lol.

The sun was beginning to set as they
blew the conch shell for the 'unearthing' of
the pigs that were roasting in the sand ovens.

We got some pretty wooden carvings, and
then Ellie found a squished penny machine!
She's been collecting squished pennies from
all over the world since she was a little girl :)
I grabbed my dinner plate, then headed down to the
beach to catch the setting sun.  I savor these moments.

So beautiful

We were treated to some traditional Hawaiian dances, then
they got some audience members to participate in learning
to hula.  The girls joined in on the fun.  The funny thing is,
I remember doing the Hukilau at the Kodak Hula Show
about a hundred years ago :)
The dancing was really beautiful.  If you want to see some
eye candy...have a look at this You Tube link.
Yes, the male dancers' thighs are that huge!!!
hot, hot, hot hula males!
Our dancers performed this same 'muscle dance'- whew!

The perfect end to a perfect day :)

G'nite, y'all!

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