Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hawaii Day 3 Bike & Hike to Diamond Head 8/19/15

The hotel had free bikes available to its guests,
so we decided to be super women and BIKE
to Diamond Head, and then HIKE to the very top!
We're all smiles here, but it's just 7am, and
still a comfortable temperature outside :)

The two girls in front of us heard of our plan for the day, and
asked if they could join us- the more, the merrier
(or sweatier, or whinier, whichever the case may be ;)

We were pedaling along swimmingly, down the boulevard
along Waikiki Beach...and then the road made an uphill turn. some point each of us had to bail and walk our bikes.
The end was in sight once we pedaled through the volcano's tunnel.

There were no pics of the steady uphill climb.
It was all we could do to pace ourselves,
keep chugging water, and keep putting one
foot in front of the other. We had a lookout point
before the final ascent.  It was a long fall down-
but you know me, "Look, girls, no hands!!!"

Beautiful panoramic shot, but still not at the top. You can see the rim of the volcano :)


There's a lighthouse waaaaay down there!

Group shot with the selfie stick! We are positively glowing!

The shades of blue and green were
absolutely gorgeous, and mesmerizing.

The bad news? It was only mid-morning, and it
was already ridiculously HOT.  The good news?  It
was all downhill on our bikes heading back home-
we dried our sweaty selves in the breeze as
we dodged pedestrians and traffic!

Emily headed straight for the pool, while Ellie
and I treated ourselves to more coconut ice
cream with sticky rice from the Thai restaurant
that we went to the other night. It was THAT good :)

I could feel myself recovering with every bite :)

After a relaxing afternoon by the pool, we went
to the wine and cheese happy hour at the hotel
before we headed out to dinner.
By the looks of my face I may have had too
much wine- oops.  

Our ride to dinner.... not really.

I can't pass a pretty flower without taking a pic.

Macro shots of flowers make me happy :)

We had a delicious Italian dinner, then headed to the marina
and waterfront to watch the sunset.  My lovely ladies <3

My hippie chick, like her momma in more
ways than one ;)

My baby girls, and sailboat masts sticking up in the air-

Add a setting sun to the 'favorites' list, too.

Both girls deserved this vacation for all of their hard work
to graduate with Honors from college.  I'm one proud momma.

We were worn out from the day's bike and hike, and sunning and swimming at the pool. (and maybe a drink or two may have contributed) We could barely stay awake for the movie we rented. We needed to get our rest- we have another hike tomorrow, and a luau tomorrow night- stay tuned!

G'nite, y'all!

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