Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 11 The Olympics?!

The school year began for us on Sunday... that was a first for this Western teacher!  I understand that Sunday classes will happen several times throughout the year- some are scheduled, and some are make up days. I guess it is also 'the Chinese way' :)

The day began at 8:30am with an assembly on the school's soccer field.  This was for all 4000 students of Beijing National Day School and their parents.  Not all parents were in attendance as many students board here at the school in dormitories during the weekdays, then go to their homes on the weekends.  It was a carnival like atmosphere, and true to 'the Chinese way'- it was organized chaos.

This is the view from the 5th floor, where my 'cubicle' is located.  It
is NOT my office view- we teachers don't rate THAT high!  Students
were arriving with suitcases in hand, and there was much confusion
as we were all gathering for the assembly.  They relocated us teachers
no less than three times...and in the end, we stood in the back, in the
corner of an 'end zone' and snapped pics with our phones!

In the lower right corner is the AP principal, who hails from Ohio,
Texas and Key West, of all things!  There are three of us here with
Florida Keys connections- small world. 
This was a video of the flag raising ceremony- it was
a little strange to not hear the Star Spangled Banner.
Did you happen to notice the multiple drones overhead?
At one point they dropped confetti and little trinkets, 
and at the end of the ceremony they flew with a contrail
of colored smoke and carried banners. Cool.
It wasn't the Stealth, but it was cool all the same :)

I loved the Chinese lanterns/balloons.  It was almost
a beautiful blue sky morning- but still, no mountain view.

There was a student band that played several songs- they
were really good.  I was especially impressed by the lead
singer :)  Afterwards, some local 'celebrity' gave the
welcoming address- in Mandarin, of course.  The crowd
was very excited by his presence, and he sure had them
all entertained. There was lots of laughter, while we
Westerners stood there looking dumbfounded.
They could have been laughing at us for all I know!

The rest of our Sunday 'work day' was spent planning, prepping, more cleaning, and classroom decorating. I reviewed my chapter 1 lecture notes, made notes to myself about other important items of business to communicate, and I made a bulletin board for the classroom that I share with a Spanish instructor. Y'all KNOW how much I love to have a plan. and clean. and decorate.  This girl loves cleanliness, organization, and making things 'pretty' :)   If there ever was a doubt as to how important having a P.L.A.N. is to me, refer back to the sailing blog when things did not go according to the P.L.A.N., lol.

By mid afternoon it was time for Grade level meetings with all teachers, students, and their parents present. I have been assigned to Grade level 11, though my students are by and large mostly seniors.  I figure it's just 'the Chinese way' again, so along with all my Grade 11 colleagues, we make our introductions, offer a few brief welcoming comments, and we are dismissed for the day.  A total commitment of 1.5 hours for working on a Sunday?  I can deal with that :)

Teachers and students alike are anxious for the new school year to begin tomorrow.  We are more than ready to dispense with the meetings and orientation, and to simply get down to the basics of teaching and learning.  With that said, it's time for this girlie to call it a day.  G'nite, y'all!

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