Tuesday, November 1, 2016

China 807 Dia de los Muertos

I had a Sunday brunch and coloring party some time ago with
some of my gal pals.  But what I really want to do is to introduce
you to Rici, the Mexican-American beauty second on the left.
She is an incredibly strong young lady, with her own story to
tell, and she has become an entrusted friend.  

She is the Spanish teacher at BNDS, and this last week she
 introduced her students to the cultural tradition of Dia de los Muertos.

She challenged her students to write thought provoking essays about death.

They made beautiful masks...

...and the students built alters to honor their loved ones' deaths.
Rici invited me to take part, knowing I have been struggling with my
momma's death these last several weeks.  

Students wrote stories for their loved ones, and this girl's story of her
her grandmother rang familiar to my own grandmother.  Her
grandma's favorite drink was "Dou Zhi"...

At the top of the alter were photos of my grandma and momma,
and the kids took my words to heart and made my lovelies
their favorite drink for the celebration- a margarita!
Their display was touching, and I was moved to tears.

After thanking Rici and all of her
students for their hard work, and
the genuinely beautiful art display,
I received the above message from Rici.

There is much love in the world because
of women like my grandma, my momma,
and of course, Miss Rici <3

While I didn't take part in the Beijing Halloween festivities,
 I have to hand it to my colleagues who dressed as
#rockandghoulstars.  Can you name them?!

And they won first prize for the Best Group Costume!
#waytorepresent #drinkitallup #greatleapbrewing

G'nite, y'all!

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