Saturday, April 9, 2016

Day 579 Beijing Garden Expo Park

Len and I tried going to the Beijing International Garden Expo Park on a beautiful fall day last year. We just couldn't get from here to there.  Maps here are deceiving, because Beijing is so dang big!  By the time we gave up walking and hopped on a train, the park was closing.

Well, spring has certainly sprung here, so it seemed like a good time to give it a try once again.  My teacher friend, Irish Tom and I decided it was more prudent to take a cab there first, and then we could figure out the return trip later in the day.  For less than three bucks were were there in a matter of minutes.




Garden Expo Park is HUGE- like all things Beijing.   

It wasn't a beach, but I had to jump for joy to be out on a beautiful spring day!
So the reason for the differing architecture and gardens is that
there are 69 exhibits in all- countries from all over the world,
 and many cities and regions of China and Asia are represented.
As we made our way deeper in to the park, we saw what
looked like a look out point, so we had to check it out.
What an interesting climb up.
Check out that view!  You could see all the way to the
Westerlies (mountains).  What it so spectacular about this
place is that the entire park was built on a landfill!
They turned the ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

In the distance you can see the high speed bullet train
passing by- perhaps on it's way to Shanghai?
I had my nose in lilac bushes all day :)

While the Chinese are typically reserved people, I
love that in parks and public places they sing, dance,
play instruments, and practice their tai chi,

with reckless abandon :)
My buddy, Irish Tom :)

Beautiful buildings

Beautiful blue sky!

Beautiful gardens
Beautiful ponds

See the dragon?

Spring is in full bloom :)
Something interesting to see at every turn.

I found a waterfall!!!
Ok, it's man made, but STILL....
I wanted to stick my head in it!

Very cool; I love the diverse architecture and gardens.

Japan's building and gardens...


It certainly looked very Japanese.

Next was the exterior buildings of the Fijian Gardens.

So different from architecture in China.

I've always wanted to go to Fiji!

They were feeding hundreds of goldfish!

In the distance, Yongding Prayer Tower.

Everywhere we looked, there was something incredible to see.
I can only imagine how beautiful it will be when summer arrives.

In the words of Irish Tom, "It was gob-smacking!"

Beijing is blanketed in flowering trees in the spring :)

Around the base of Yongding Prayer Tower.  We finally made
it all the way down to the sixth gate.  This park covers a
mere 513 hectares, which equates to a whole lot of walking!

Any day I can get out and explore and see
something new, is a very good day indeed.

The only way to make it any better is to top
it off with the first ice cream cone of the season!

G'nite, y'all

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