Friday, January 8, 2016

Day 495 Found a gem in the 'jing!

When Len and I went to the Pearl Market last month, we
stumbled upon a booth with some select antiques.  Len
found a pair of Mongolian stirrups that he wanted to get
for one of his friends back in the Keys.  The owner gave
us her card, and invited us to come visit their warehouse.

So we did- and OMG! I was like a kid in a candy store :)
It was stacked floor to ceiling with all sorts of treasures.

This was some sort of tool that was used for
carving, you simply turned the crank.

Love the boat <3

It was also like getting a history lesson from
Tracey and her husband, as we walked through
the warehouse combing through the antiques.
Len bought this bow and arrow that came from Tibet.

I found two of these hand painted cupboards,
that I would love to somehow get home to be
my nightstands in the master bedroom.
She offered to ship to the States! Very tempting...

There was something interesting to see, everywhere I looked.

I walked through the whole place twice!

These were used to boil water...though I didn't quite understand!

I did buy one of these, a Mongolian tea basket, that they
store their loose tea in when traveling- by camel.
They had camel saddles for sale, too :)

I had to have the fish lock, too. I passed on the prayer wand.

Got one of these, too!  Made of ox bone- it's a 'field kit'
of sorts, which contains a knife for field dressing and
chopsticks to eat what you caught.  I couldn't pass it up.

What better way to celebrate our shopping success than with
two for one margaritas and the Superbowl nachos from Pebbles!
Except it was two for one, twice, or maybe three times :)
I do love a good margarita!
G'nite, y'all!

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