Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day 490 Back to the 'jing, where to next?

Well, the point of this whirlwind trip was to see
if Vietnam is a place we'd like to spend some more
time.  On the plane ride home we talked about a
backpacking trip through Vietnam, Cambodia,
and Laos over the Chinese New Year next
February.  We bought maps at the airport,
and poured over them on the flight back to the 'jing.
We love making our next travel plans!

Well, this was a first, Chinese Herbal Jelly.
Len took a pass, but I have to say, it kind of grew on me.

While I was back at work on Monday, Len
sent me this pic late in the afternoon.  He
went to the market and bought and prepped
the ingredients to make spring rolls for
dinner- in keeping with the Vietnam theme :)

Spring rolls dipped in peanut sauce? Delish!

I could get used to this- honey, what's on the
menu for tomorrow night?!

G'nite, y'all!

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