Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day 489 Mekong River Delta in Vietnam

We had an early start, hopping on the tour bus.  After nearly two
hours, we made a potty stop at a Temple, and to have a look around.

It was called "Vinh Trang Pagoda"...

...which means the 'Three Buddhas of Vietnam'

They represent the past, present, and
future, but I don't know which is which!

It was another boiling hot and humid day, so we
had a cold drink while the rest of the tourists milled about.

Soon we were back on our way. I was
excited to see the 'river people' and the 'river cities'
of the Mekong Delta!

Well look, it's Len on the city bus!!!
(actually cu`a len means 'enter')
Finally we arrived at the Mekong River, where
we waited to board our boat.  The 'pilings'
were the trunks of coconut palms.

As we got underway, I notice the anchor on the boat next
to us was made out of rebar.  The boats were all lined with old tires.

I was happy to be back on the water; he was tolerating the selfie :)

I can't wait to see the river cities!
Our first stop had us walking along a jungle-y path...

...where we ended up at a honey bee farm? what?!

The tea was, however, mighty tasty!
Next we walked past the locals and
the chickens, down another path to
another boat...
We waited in line to catch our 'canoe'
It was a little on the crazy side!  
Hooray!  We're on our way to the river cities!
We were dropped off at another island, for a
snack of fresh fruits and some some traditional
folk singing...

...and by the time they got to the second chorus, I realized we
and it was NOT going to take us to the river cities.  Bummer.
So, rather than being disgusted and thoroughly disappointed to
be caught in the middle of a cattle call, if you can't beat 'em-
join 'em, and pose for the ridiculous photo op, lol.
Len sneaked away for a smoke and some quiet time-
being stuck on an organized tour group was not on his agenda!

We hiked through a jungle path again, then
we boarded these wagons for our next stop- oh boy!
This time we all filed by a hut and watched the
locals make homemade coconut candy- which
is like taffy- that they then tried to get us to buy.
No, thank you.
They filed us along the jungle some more,
past booths of handicrafts and carvings made
by the locals- also for sale.  It was interesting
to see this guy making salad serving forks
that were carved from coconut trees.
Again, we didn't buy anything.
Next we were taken to a large pavilion where we were
fed lunch.  There were some pretty interesting foods,
though we didn't opt for the snake, octopus, or crocodile.
We could have, but we didn't.

The gardens around the pavilion had some nice
sitting areas to enjoy a cold beer, or Coca-Cola,
and there were, of course, hawkers selling their wares.
Still not buying, but this HUGE banana stalk was cool.
Finally, it was time to board the canoe, to take us through
the jungle, to get back to the boat, to cross the Mekong
Delta, to take us back to the charter bus.  If I had been
20 years older, I would have thought it was all so grand.
Next time I do Vietnam, it will be next February,
for the whole month, backpack on my back-
no tour buses involved. That's more my style.

We got back to the city, had an hour back at the market to
divide and conquer our souvenir gift list (we have friends
who are Vietnam veterans), then we stopped for a
craft beer and laughed about the 'river city' we never saw. 
Then we went back to the street food market, tried more
delicious things for dinner, and I topped off the night
with another phallic churro filled with strawberry ice cream.

All was not lost :)

G'nite y'all!

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